  • 學位論文


The Study of Relationship among Service Quality , Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty Applied to A Chain Restaurant-Bullfight

指導教授 : 譚醒朝


本研究以餐飲連鎖業鬥牛士為例,探討服務品質、顧客滿意與顧客忠誠之關係,並以問卷調查法研究,再進行資料分析。並提出四個假說分別為H1:餐廳的服務品質重視程度越高,則消費者對餐廳的滿意度也越高,呈現顯著正向關係。H2:消費者對餐廳的服務品質滿意度越高,則對餐廳的忠誠度也越高,呈現正向顯著關係。H3:餐廳的服務品質重視程度越高,則消費者對餐廳的顧客忠誠也越高,呈現正向顯著關係。H4:不同人口統計變數對服務品質滿意度、服務品質重視程度、顧客忠誠度有正向顯著關係。 其結果顯示顧客若感受到餐廳的相關服務品質越好,則用餐推薦他人程度相對也越高,餐廳無論何種消費族群都應優先提升服務品質,才能增加顧客量以追求較高利潤。


This study focus on the discussion of service quality,customer satisfaction and customer loyalty relationship applied to the restaurant chain industry -- Bullfight. 250 questionnaires had been issued and 240 questionnaires had been analyzed. Four hypotheses were proposed: H1: The higher the degree of attention of the restaurant, the restaurant consumer satisfaction is also higher, showing a significant positive relationship. H2: The higher the consumer satisfaction with the quality of service, the restaurant's loyalty is also higher, showing a significant positive relationship. H3: The higher the degree of attention about service quality, the restaurant's consumer customer loyalty is also higher, showing a significant positive relationship. H4: Different demographic variables applied to service quality satisfaction, service quality of the degree of attention and loyalty has a positive significant relationship. The results show the quality of customer-related services feel better then customer would higher like to recommend others to dine. Regardless of consumer groups restaurant should be a priority to improve service quality in order to increase customer volume to pursuit the higher profits.


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