  • 學位論文


The Relationships among the Occurring Frequency of Problematic Public, Emotional Labor and Burnout of Nursing -Confirmation the Moderate Effect of Job Characteristics.

指導教授 : 劉家銘


顧客導向時代來臨,各行各業無不以服務品質為重,然現今世界各國企業、服務業皆面臨全球化競爭力的影響,紛紛著重於顧客的需求在改變,醫療界臨床護理也不例外,顧客的意識觀念也在改變,然而護理人員是醫院最大的護理服務提供者,必須將病人及家屬視為顧客,醫院政策及服務品質均以病人需求為規劃及思考的中心,普遍成為以客為尊的護病護理。 基於上述,實有必要瞭解護理人員遇到難應付顧客的頻次是否會影響情緒勞動與情緒耗竭之相關性。進而影響醫院護理人力流失淪為人力荒之地步,加上三班輪替,日夜顛倒、工作上遇難應付病人之挑惕狀況。因此,本研究以嘉義市5所地區醫院之護理人員為研究對象,以情緒勞動前因後果模式為理論基礎,探討難應付病人或家屬發生頻次、情緒勞動、情緒耗竭以及工作特性之間的關聯性與驗證。 本研究採用問卷調查方式進行實證,總共發出300份問卷,回收問卷280份,經篩選有效問卷為241份,將所得資料透過敘述性統計、因素分析、信度分析、效度分析、迴歸分析、及干擾、中介等分析統計方法,進行資料分析與驗證。經實證研究後,得到的主要結論如下: 1.難應付顧客發生頻次對情緒勞動有顯著正向影響。 2.情緒勞動對情緒耗竭有顯著正向影響。 3.難應付顧客對情緒耗竭有顯著正向影響。 4.工作特性對情緒耗竭無顯著干擾影響。 5.難應付顧客發生頻次對情緒勞動的中介效果正向影響。 6.透過情緒勞動影響的中介效果顯著影響情緒耗竭。 根據研究實證結果,本研究分別針對難應付顧客的頻次是會影響情緒勞動與情緒耗竭之相關性,然而後續研究者將提出幾項可行的建議以供參酌。


As the customer-oriented era comes, service quality becomes a mutual objective for all walks of life. However, under the global competition, the enterprises and service providers around the world focused on the changing needs from the customers, the clinical nursing industry is no exception. Considering the nursing staff the greatest nursing service provider in the hospital, they should see the patience’s and their family members as customer, while the policy and service quality should be focused on patience’s’ demand as the core of planning, and thus formed the customer-oriented nursing relationship. According to statement above, it is necessary to realize that will the occurring frequency of problematic public would influence the emotional labor and burnouts of nursing, and thus forms a situation of lacking nursing staffs. Besides, due to the nature of shift switching and requirements to work at night, the nursing staff might be more anxious about the problematic publics. Hence, this research took the nursing staff from five local hospital in Chia-Yi City as research subjects, to discuss the associations and related verifications among occurring frequency of problematic public, emotional labor, burnouts and job characteristics. The empirical work was done by questionnaire survey, with total 300 portions of questionnaire delivered, recycled 280 portions (241 valid after screening). The data collected were analyzed and verified through descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis and intervening, moderating statistics. The main conclusions were: 1. Occurring frequency of problematic public has significantly positive effects on emotional labor. 2. Emotional labor has significantly positive effects on burnouts. 3. Occurring frequency of problematic public has significantly positive effects on burnouts. 4. There is no significant intervening effects form job characteristics on burnouts. 5. Occurring frequency of problematic public has positive impacts on moderating effects on emotional labor. 6. The moderating effects significantly influence burnouts from emotional labor. According to empirical results, this research separately discussed the relationships among occurring frequency of problematic public, emotional labor and burnouts of nursing, and provided concrete recommendations for researchers in the future.


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7.吳宗祐、鄭伯壎 (2006a)。工作投入、調節他人情緒能力與情緒勞動之交互作用對情緒耗竭的預測效果。中華心理學刊,48(1),69-87。


