  • 學位論文

A Study of Story-Form Advertising


指導教授 : 丘宏昌


More and more businesses created a vivid story and image of the brand to grab consumers' attention and minds. Story-form advertising seems to be an effective way to communicate with consumers. The importance and alchemy of storytelling can hardly be ignored. Recently, there has been some research done based on story-form advertising but much remains to be learned about the relationship between story elements and consumer attitude empirically. According to the stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) paradigm and the attitude theory, the elements of a story (stimulus) may influence consumers’ affect and cognition (organism), which in turn influence their brand attitude (response). Thus, research is needed that empirically examines the intervening variables of consumers’ cognition and affection on the relationships between story elements and consumer brand attitude and purchase intention. According to previous studies, four key elements are concluded to constitute a compelling story. These elements include authenticity, conciseness, reversal and humor. These elements use affect and cognition as intervening variables to influence the brand attitude and purchase intention. A 2 (high/low) × 2 × 2 × 2 between-subjects design will be conducted to test the hypotheses in this paper. Furthermore, we also take two variables, the search goods and experience goods, to be considered about the influences of story elements on consumer attitude in this study.


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