  • 學位論文


Under depression, the choice of being an official or a recluse and mind transformation : a case of Du Mu's poems.

指導教授 : 李欣錫


本論文藉由對詩作的全面觀照,探究晚唐詩人杜牧的自我心境轉變歷程;本研究首先鋪展杜牧的生平背景,再分由仕、隱兩面追尋其心態變化,欲在合理的文本解讀範圍內,提供新的詮釋,所得結論不同於前人研究,由杜牧心境之和諧破除表面的仕、隱矛盾,在對杜牧生平作品的探究過程中,發現其以詩人身分結合仕宦面的儒者、史家與隱逸面的隱者、狂士,形成獨樹一幟的風格,並在最終完成其人生實踐,悟得儒者智慧。   生於顯赫之家,背負著家族榮光且深具才識,杜牧懷著遠大抱負,甫入仕便散發英俊豪縱的氣質,其厭惡拘謹的腐儒,崇敬著全才的大儒,故自身性格的包容性強,對仕、隱兩端皆有著濃厚的興趣,進一步結合為功成身退之理想,早年效慕的對象為范蠡這類功成身退之典型人物。   然而,晚唐世局紛亂,有著牛李黨爭與藩鎮割據等內憂外患交織,杜牧仕宦前期便逢甘露事變爆發與弟弟杜顗喪明等現實因素,阻礙其仕進之路,之後又遭逢李德裕的排擠而出守外郡;在此失意背景下,杜牧的仕、隱心態逐漸產生轉變,直至晚年在心境上有所超越,能以儒家「知命且知非」的智慧鎔鑄仕、隱兩端,將傳統的功成身退理想轉化為獨特的「杜牧式」功成身退,以「吏隱」態度隱於朱坡莊園,尋得人生最後的依歸。


杜牧 杜顗 牛李黨爭 儒家思想 功成身退 吏隱


By scanning all types of Du Mu’s poems, this thesis consists of the mind transformation of Du Mu who is a poet in the late Tang Dynasty. First of all, this study begins with the life of Du Mu, and then explores his mind transformation from the aspects of an official and a recluse. According to the reasonable range, this study proposes a new conclusion that is different from the traditional viewpoint. In the course of study, the researcher suggests that Du Mu is a person of multiple personality including Confucian, historian, recluse, maniac, and poet. Finally Du Mu accomplishes self-achievement and realizes the wisdom of Confucianism. As the aristocracy, Du Mu is more ambitious than others, because he is extremely talented and carrys on glory from family. After becoming officer in court, Du Mu, who is charming, hates prudish moralists and respects real confucians; He is a person of multiple personality so that he has the interest in being an official and a recluse. Fan Li范蠡 who has lived in seclusion after success is respected by Du Mu then. However, Du Mu faces inminent crisis when being in Niu-Li Factional Struggles牛李黨爭 and segmented buffer region. Furthermore, the Sweet Dew Incident甘露之變 and Du Yi杜顗, who is Du Mu’s brother, was being blind; Du Mu’s promotion is obstructed by those reasons, and then he is bashed by Li De Yu李德裕. Undergoing these frustrations, Du Mu changes his mood gradually and sublimates in his later years. Du Mu gains the Confucianism of optimism and identification of right and wrong. Therefore, he is able to combine the thought of an official withan recluse, and transform his dream into his ownseclusion–after-success sytle; He lives in his familys’manor at Zhu Po朱坡 when he is old, and takes an attitudeof “official seclusion” to face the rest of his life.


