  • 學位論文

家族企業的傳承與接班探討 – 以台灣水五金產業A公司為例

The Research of Succession in Business Family – An example of A company in Taiwan Aqua Ironware Industry

指導教授 : 林博文


從經濟部中小企業處的中小企業白皮書資料顯示,台灣的產業結構是以「中小企業」為主,而從其2013年的統計資料來看台灣的工作人口在中小企業的就業人數佔全國就業人數的78.3%;顯而易見「中小企業」是撐起台灣經濟的重要支柱。台灣中小企業的萌芽期是在50年代,迄今大部份企業皆已面臨到「接班」的課題。由於中小企業的資源及人才有限,且台灣中小企業的經營型態幾乎為家族企業,因此其「接班」的問題也一樣複雜及重要,因為一旦做了錯誤的決定則很可能讓第一代辛苦建立的公司在短時間內結束營業,且連帶影響其員工及其眷屬的生計。 以華人家族企業來看其接班人選幾乎是傳子不傳賢,尤以中小型企業更加明顯,本研究係以中小型家族企業來探究其對於接班的規劃及如何傳承讓企業得以延續創業主的理念朝永續經營的方向,並以此方向進行相關資料的蒐集、彙整。針對A個案:小型傳統製造業的第一代及第二代進行訪談,就其企業現況給予建議及考量的方向。 關鍵詞:家族企業、接班傳承


家族企業 接班傳承


Abstract According to "White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan, 2014" published by Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Taiwan industry structure is based on small and medium enterprises (SMEs). From its 2013 statistical data, the employed population in SMEs accounted for 78.3% of total national employment. Obviously, the SMEs are the key pillars to prop up the economy of Taiwan. 1950s were the years of the embryonic stage of SMEs in Taiwan. To date, most SMEs in Taiwan have to face the "succession" issue. There are limited resources and short talents in SMEs. Moreover, most of them are family enterprises. Based on above factors, the "succession" problems are as complex and important. Once the wrong decision is made, it is likely that the enterprise established by the first generation would be destroyed in a day, and affects its employees and their dependents’ livelihood. The majority of Chinese family enterprises choose their family member as the successor rather than the qualified. This situation is especially obvious in SMEs. The study is to explore the succession issue in small and medium, family enterprises in Taiwan, and how the enterprises can continue the entrepreneurs’ philosophy to reach sustainable management. The information collection and coordination are in above directions to interview case A “the first generation and the second generation of the small traditional manufacturing industry” and advise on its current status. Keywords: family business, succession


family business succession


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