  • 學位論文


The Succession in Taiwan Family and Non-Family Business: Successor Factors, Succession Planning, Succession Challenges

指導教授 : 林玟廷


Waymon(2005)提及「戰後嬰兒潮即將邁入退休年齡。」戰後嬰兒潮之企業經營者,目前已屆退休年齡,最近許多的企業領導人都面臨接班之憂,擔心接班斷層的危機。有些企業,雖已經擁有較完善的接班計劃,卻也因國際經濟的巨大改變而變動原有的接班規劃,例如2005年台積電張董事長就已完成第一次CEO交棒,但2009年張忠謀回鍋再度以董事長兼CEO統領台積電。  隨著時代的更迭,經濟環境與社會背景的快速變遷,企業面對如此巨變的時代,必須提升其應變能力與適應環境的經營模式,但對於不論是家族企業或是非家族企業的許多企業來說,接班問題都是首要當務之急,而這個議題已被許多學者及專家認為是未來台灣企業所面臨的一場最嚴苛的戰爭,因為對於企業來說,決定具有決策權力的高階經理人選,是關係著組織是否能夠的存續的一個重要因素。因此,對於高階管理人員的選擇及規劃,不但是一個管理上的重要課題,更關係著組織的存續與發展(Getty,1993; Upton,1993)。且由於愈來愈大的外部環境競爭壓力、股東的干預以及組織本身的變革,使得如何找到一個適當的人選,來繼任高階管理職位並領導組織的問題,更顯得重要以及必須面臨著更多的挑戰(Gupta,1992)。 因此,本研究透過國、內外文獻探討,並同時利用個案訪談研究,來瞭解比較家族型與非家族型企業在接班人要素、接班計劃及面對內部接班挑戰的看法與考量的分配情形,進而歸納出這兩種不同型態企業在遴選接班人選前所須思考及必須預先面對處理的問題,當然希望透過本研究的彙整,提供企業一些實務的經驗來進行參考。


Waymon (2005) referred to the "Post-war baby boomers" are going to enter retirement age. Recently, the post-war baby enterprise presidents have been reached the age of retirement gradually, and many of them are facing succession fears, they worry about the crisis of succession gap. Some enterprises already have a succession planning, but they change their original succession planning due to the tremendous upheavals of the world economic. Such as in 2005, TSMC’s Chairman Chang has handed the first CEO position, but in 2009, Chang returned to the position of TSMC’s Chairman and CEO to lead once again. With the times, economic environment, and social background rapidly change, the enterprises must enhance their ability of respond and adapt to circumstances immediately. But for those enterprises no matter family businesses or non-family businesses, succession issue is the primary priority now. And this issue has been to consider and believe by many scholars and experts that will become the harsh war for Taiwan enterprises in the future. Because for those enterprises, decide the executive candidates who has policy decision power will be an important factor that cause the organization can survive or not. Therefore, for the selection and planning of the senior manager, it is not only an important issue on management, but also a survival and development of the organization (Getty, 1993; Upton, 1993). Due to the more and large competitive pressure of external environment, the intervention of shareholders, and the revolution of organization, how to find a suitable successor to succeed a senior manager and lead the organization, it appears to be the more important and necessary challenges (Gupta, 1992). Therefore, this study collect domestic and foreign literatures, and adoption the case interview study to compare family and non-family firms in the successor element、succession planning and succession challenges of the views and concerns. Then we conclude these two different types of enterprises in the selection successor before the elections to be thinking and advance to face the issues. Of course, hope that through this study compiled enterprise practical experience to provide the reference.


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