  • 學位論文


Women·Tavellers:An Observation on Sensory Experiences in Women’s travelling writing (1990-2015)

指導教授 : 王鈺婷


本論文聚焦1990-2015年間台灣女性的旅行文學作品,透過文本分析和文化研究,闡述女性書寫和旅行文學的連結意義。另外,藉由前行研究回顧過去對於旅行書寫的研究視角和發現成果,也企圖與前行研究進行對話,以期開創台灣女性旅行文學不同的討論面向與發展可能。 本文分別以移動性、身體感以及書寫策略三個核心問題切入探討台灣女遊書寫蓬勃之現象。首先,處理戰後至90年代的女性移動性歷程,以瞭解女性在各階段社會空間及文學空間的動態變化。另外,本文側重於探討女性旅行書寫中,文本所出現之身體感現象。最後,以書寫策略的角度探討女性旅行文本的內容及形式編排。 當女人都成為了旅人,所見所感卻不盡然相同。筆者以為此時女性必須歸返自我主體,歸返身體,開始書寫自己,並以此為作為書寫策略,創造出自我的特殊性和區隔性。


The paper focuses on the travel essays of Taiwanese female writers during 1990 to 2015 as the object of study, and discusses the meaning between female writng and travel writing by texture analysis and cultural studies. Furthermore, the paper is also intended to enrich the discussion of female travel writing of Taiwan by literature review. The purpose of this paper is to seek for the answer of the flourish phenomenon of womem’s travelling writing in Taiwan. There are three core issues to discuss the phenomenon. First, the study backtrack through the history of women’s mobility to know the dynamic process of women’s social space and literature space. In addition, the study mainly focuses on senses of body in the text of women’s travelling writing. At last, the author tries to discussion on writing strategy for text content and text form of women’s travelling writing. As all the women become travelers, their senses of body are not the same. The author believes that women must return to their own self-subject at this time, return to their own body, and begin to write their own feelings. The author thinks it is a kind of writing strategy to create women’s self-specific and segregation.


Sara Mills著,張惠慈譯:〈女性主義批評中的女遊書寫〉,《中外文學》第324期(1999.05),頁10。
Janet Wolff著,黃筱茵譯:〈重新上路:文化批評中的旅行隱喻〉,《中外文學》第324期(1999.05)。
張誦聖,〈台灣女作家與當代主導文化〉,《中外文學》28卷4期(1999 . 09),頁6-20。
