  • 學位論文


Emotional labor and mental health condition of nurses working at different level hospital in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 劉玉雯


本研究嘗試探討護理人員之情緒勞務狀態、各項身心健康狀態,且依不同層級之醫院進行討論。 本次研究採用林尚平發展之情緒勞務量表作為情緒勞務負荷之測量,並採用世界衛生組織之生活品質量表(World Health Organization Quality of Life , WHOQOL-BREF版本)、中國人身心健康問卷(Chinese Health Questionnaire, CHQ)、匹茲堡睡眠品質指標(Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index, PSQI)、貝氏憂鬱量表(The Beck Depression Inventory, BDI)作為受試者身心健康之測量量表。在醫學中心、區域醫院、地區醫院蒐集有效問卷共216份,根據上述研究工作做後續分析。 本次研究結果顯示護理人員有較高之情緒勞務狀態,且有較高之比例超過身心健康量表之閾值,顯示有輕症精神疾病之風險增高。護理人員若有較高之情緒勞務狀態則易有較差之身心健康狀態。此外,我們在問卷中設計了針對「薪資」「教育訓練」「升遷」之需求滿足的題目,顯示護理人員在相同的情緒勞務狀態下,若薪資及教育的需求被滿足的主觀感受較高,其身心健康狀態會較良好,此項結果於不同層級醫院間有差異。 護理人員屬於高情緒勞務負荷,身心健康狀況有問題之比例偏高,需要醫院更加注意此一現象。本次研究發現不同醫院之護理人員對於不同需求有不一之敏感度,滿足適當需求指標可獲得更佳之身心健康改善程度,值得後續研究追蹤以及醫院資源分配之參考。


The research team tried to study the emotional labor and mental health condition of nurses working at hospital in Taiwan. During the experimental period, we collected 216 effective questionnaires from three different level hospital: medical center, reginal hospital and district hospital. We used the emotional labor scale designed by professor Lin, World Health Organization Quality of Life, WHOQOL-BREF Taiwan version、Chinese Health Questionnaire, CHQ, Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index, PSQI and the Beck Depression Inventory BDI for surveying. We also asked the subjects how they satisfy their condition of salary, education and promotion opportunity provided by the hospital. This research revealed that nurses in this study have high emotional labor condition and relatively poor mental health. Subjects with higher emotional labor score has worse mental health. Otherwise, we noticed that the subjects with higher need satisfaction has better mental health even under the same emotional labor condition. We are trying to claim the nurses has high emotional labor and poor mental health again, and hope the hospital aware of that too. This study also provide further research direction: the hospital provide more personal need-satisfaction may improve nurses’ mental health.


nurse emotional labor mental health


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