  • 學位論文

使用萃智工具與層級分析法改善面板廠Cell Test製程良率與庫存

Apply TRIZ and AHP to Improve Cell Test Yield and Reduce Inventory

指導教授 : 邱銘傳


依科技業的生產現場生態,生產作業為24小時不斷電不停運作,一旦機台發生異常不止導致產品連續出現大量品質問題外甚至連帶影響工廠的產能使公司在營運上造成莫大的損失,藉此有關生產線上所有狀況都要在第一時間且需迅速處理解決根因,此外庫存是萬惡之源,如何有效降低庫存提升產能是為評估工廠效能的重要指標。此次研究以面板廠Cell Test製程為個案運用萃智系統化手法處理產線相關問題,案例一為解決面板因靜電造成線路炸傷問題,案例二則解決人檢站點庫存量過高等狀況,最後再利用層級分析法選擇最適之方案。研究結果發現萃智工具不但可迅速解決工廠問題外更進一步改善產品良率與產能,再透過選擇最佳方針以避免額外的成本支出為公司整體營運帶來獲利以及提升整體生產效益。


萃智 層級分析法 面板 CELL 製程


In high-tech environment, it has to operate for 24 hours, if the machine operation is in abnormal that will not only affect the product quality and factory capacity but also cause damage to company profits. Thus all abnormal conditions should be improved instantly. Besides inventory is the root of all evil, how to reduce inventory is one of the important index in factory. In TFT-LCD Cell Test Process case studies that apply TRIZ theory to find out solutions to improve production issues and then apply AHP to select which is the best solution. As a result, TRIZ not only improve the issue instantly but also increase yield and capacity and AHP can avoid extra expense that enhances company profits and production efficiency.




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