  • 學位論文


A Study of Stone Knife Typology and Use-wear Pattern of Dahu Culture in Southwestern Taiwan.

指導教授 : 邱鴻霖


在台灣與石刀相關的研究討論並不多,最早始於日本學者國分直一等人於各地蒐集、發掘而得的標本,並以類型學與民族誌為方法,設想石刀可能的功能與使用對象。後來的研究多是承續此一研究傳統。本研究論文之目的即在另闢蹊徑,期以不同的研究方法突破類型學的框架。本研究採用的使用痕分析是國外行之有年的方法,屬實驗考古學的一環,透過建立標準的觀察方法,記錄器物上的破損、剝離痕等使用痕跡的形態與分布,從具體的痕跡來還原器物可能的使用模式。 本研究使用同屬大湖文化烏山頭期(2800~2000 B.P.)的牛尿港、灣港、三寶埤、三抱竹、右先方南貳與五間厝北六個遺址的石刀作為研究材料,以低倍法進行觀察;使用痕的重點觀察部位為穿孔部位與刃部,觀察結果顯示不同類型的石刀在刃部的使用痕分佈與狀態上稍有差異。 本研究最後分出五種類型,分別為長方形、半月形、三角形、杏仁形與櫛形,研究結果顯示在大湖文化的六個遺址中,石刀具有一些共通的特徵,例如偏鋒的設計和刃部的主要破裂面大部分都在非刃面,以及特定的類型在背部有偏好的樣式等,從這些共通的使用痕模式,可知大湖文化人對於石刀具有特定的概念與想法,石刀在使用上確實有一定的規則可循。然而再深入比較細微的部份,不同類型的石刀各自的刃部使用痕狀態與穿孔磨耗狀態也稍有不同,顯示不同外形的石刀可能有不同的使用方式。另外在各遺址間,同樣類型的石刀也可能出現剝離程度不等的使用痕,以及不同遺址的石刀類型組合有些差異,這可能都反映各遺址不同的生業活動有關。


Stone knife has been known as a category of agricultural tools in resent years. However, there are not much effective explanations about the real functions that stone knifes were before. In Taiwan, the Japanese scholars like Kokubu Naoichi had investigated and excavated a lot of stone knifes, and applied typology and ethnography to mention the possible functions and the objects used on. Many studies followed the traditions, but in this study, there is another method called use-wear analysis to apply to break the framework of typology. The method is a part of experimental archaeology; it is through establishing standard observation method to record the forms and distributions of scarring and micro-fractures on the artifacts, and returning the possible usage pattern by concrete wear. The stone knifes this study analyzed were form NNK Site, WK Site, SPP Site, SPC Site, YHFS2 Site and WCTN Site from Dahu Culture Wushantou Phase (2800~2000 B.P.). This study applied low-power method to observe the use-wear on drills and blades. According to the results of the observations, there are different forms and distributions of use-wear on the blades in different types of stone knife. This study divided stone knifes into five types, such as rectangular, triangular, half-moon-shaped, almond-shaped, and comb-shaped. The results presented that there were some shared characteristics in the six Site, for instance, most of stone knifes were side edge style, most of the fractures were not on the blade-side and some types preferred particular apex forms. This mutual use-wear pattern implied Dahu people had certain concepts and thoughts about the stone knifes. There must be some rules when they using them; nevertheless, there also showed different types presented differences of use-wear conditions in the blades and drills. It means that different types may have different usages. Besides, in each Site, different types presented different fractured levels on blades. Also there were different combinations of stone knifes in the Sites, the result may represent there were different business activities in these Sites.


1992 The Archaeology of the P’eng-hu Islands. Taipei: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Monograph no.95.
Bradley, B. A.
Semenov, S.A
Binford, L. B.
Grace, Roger
