  • 學位論文


Research and implementation on automatic balanced, electric assisted, pedaled, parallel unicycle, inverted-pendulum-based vehicle

指導教授 : 葉廷仁


獨輪腳踏車的零力矩平衡控制器理論研究在本實驗室已經發展相當成熟。零力矩控制器具有重心估測的特性使得人在腳踏獨輪車時,腳踏所產生的扭矩不會影響控制器的平衡。本研究承接了這樣的基礎,將原本只有單台的獨輪車,兩台並聯成雙獨輪車,嘗試克服一人騎乘以及兩人騎乘質量變化相當大的情形,推廣了原本零力矩平衡控制器的理論研究。首先我們推導雙獨輪車的物理模型,藉此透過模擬來驗證理論的可行性。再來利用倒單擺的動態方程式來近似系統的模型,對此動態方程式在操作點作線性化用以顯現系統特性以利於實行控制器設計。之後針對此線性系統設計平衡控制器。我們透過Lyapunov方程式將一個人或兩個人的乘載所造成相當大的質量變異列入考慮,並透過轉換成LMI形式透過Matlab LMI Toolbox解出控制器參數,來滿足系統的穩定以及性能。最後我們根據模型、動態方程式以及模擬驗證,著手設計實驗平台與硬體機構,並結合訊號處理、晶片程式設計、馬達控制,實踐自動平衡雙獨輪車載具。


The development of research of unicycle Zero Torque Balance Controller (ZTC) in our lab has been already mature. ZTC can estimate the position of center of gravity of unicycle making the rider riding not interfere the balancing. This thesis inherits this basis and combines two unicycle to a parallel unicycle trying to solve the significant mass variation circumstance that the balance controller has to balance in both single rider and two riders situation. First, we derive the physics model of the parallel unicycle for simulation. Then we use inverted pendulum dynamic equation to approximate the original model and linearize in operation point make it more easily for designing controller. Then we consider the mass variation situation in Lyapunov function, transform it into LMI form and solve the ZTC parameters through Matlab LMI Toolbox that satisfy the condition of system stability and performance. Finally, according to the model, dynamic equation and simulation, we successfully implement an automatic balanced, electric assisted, pedaled, parallel unicycle, inverted-pendulum-based vehicle include mechanism, signal processing, chip programming and motor control.


inverted pendulum model unicycle LMI robust control


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