  • 學位論文


Supporting Service Transformation by Applying Rough Set Theory to Product Service System Typology

指導教授 : 邱銘傳




Product service system (PSS) modeling, a concept integrating products, services, and supporting infrastructure networks, is an increasingly popular analytic tool because of its applicability in numerous fields. Industry and academia have devoted effort toward its development in such ways as inventing new design methodology, integrating various product and service design techniques, and implementing it across different businesses. However, few studies have focused on PSS typology, notably a crucial area for development. These studies have been largely subjective and qualitative, and have not considered the evolution of technology or changes in customer preferences. Thus the aim of this study is to extend the PSS typology research by applying rough set theory to create a quantitative PSS classification framework. Using this framework, a set of classification rules is derived using contemporary PSS business models. This study also proposes a PSS transformation process that considers a firm’s core competencies and existing PSS type. In a case study involving an automotive company, the proposed process enables the enterprise to achieve better direction while transforming its current business model into a new PSS. Finally, a new PSS type—platform-oriented PSS—is presented, bridging a gap in the core knowledge of current PSS typology.


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