  • 學位論文


Competitive Advantages of the small-and-medium-sized LCD panels company - A case study of G Company

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


由於近年來平面顯示器產品的推陳出新,帶動了整個產業的快速發展。平面顯示器在台灣於接續半導體之後,成為第二個產值破兆產業。其中,中小尺寸平面顯示產業在各項新穎多元的電子消費性及行動裝置產品對顯示面板的需求下急速攀升,台灣在全球中小尺寸平面顯示器佔有率更是躍升至全球第二。中小尺寸平面顯示器的產品多元化、客製化程度高、產品生命週期短、快速變化等產品特性下,中小尺寸平面顯示器公司如何在這些特有的產業特性與競爭激烈的環境下,發揮企業核心能力創造客戶價值贏得客戶訂單。 本論文希望藉由研究企業對核心競爭能力的高度重視,如從核心競爭能力的建構到深耕與發揮並探討企業對策略規劃的長遠佈局。由個案G公司的研究探討中,可瞭解因企業經營層對公司核心能力的高度重視後深耕且發揮其內部核心能力所形成產業的競爭優勢,而能在近幾年競爭激烈的產業環境中快速獲得成長,營運績效領先同業。尤其當公司面臨既有主流產品技術被快速取代的威脅時,如何透過公司經營層的策略規劃與佈局,化危機為轉機成功地轉型並使集團資源整合發揮成產業競爭優勢。因此,本研究以探討核心競爭能力發揮與策略規劃佈局及執行對一個企業的重要,使得中小尺寸液晶顯示面板公司能在特有的產業特性與競爭激烈的環境下讓公司整體價值獲得提昇,且創造客戶價值,形成競爭優勢。


Recently, new flat panel display products developed rapidly that the whole industry grew boomingly. Following after Semiconductor, display has become a second industry output over trillion in Taiwan. Among the display industry, the small-and-medium size flat panel display also rose rapidly in the new demand of consuming electronics products and mobile devices. Taiwan’s market share of the global small-and- medium size flat panel display has jumped to the world’s number two. It is an industry with characteristics of product diversification, high customization, shorter product life cycle, rapid product changes…etc. Thus, how to add values for customers in the small-and-medium-size flat panel display needs to be discussed. This thesis identifies how current companies value their core competences from construct to penetrate deeply and influence their long term strategy plan. Moreover, by studying the case from G company, how can top management valued and influenced their core competence from constructing in the beginning and made it become their competitive advantage which stood themselves out from other competitors in the operating performance during recent years’ fierce competition environment. Particularly, when facing threats of existing mainstream product technology being replaced rapidly, management level of company G used their strategy plan to turn the possible crisis into a successful transition and integrated their alliance group resources into their industry competitive advantage and strength. Therefore, this paper discusses how important the core competence, strategy plan, and execution to a company. Most important of all, how can a small-and-medium size liquid crystal display company enhance their overall value for the company and create their values for customers to become a competitive advantage in the unique industry characteristics and the competitive environment.


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