  • 學位論文

Diode-based Voltage Multiplier Modeling

指導教授 : 張彌彰


時至今日,關於RFID的研究與日俱增,RFID中的主要元件[電壓轉換電路]也因而變的更為重要,本篇論文展示了其中一種電壓轉換電路,以二極體為基本的電壓增壓器的模型跟最佳化的結果。 首先是討論兩種可以應用在RFID上的電壓轉換電路,其一是電荷幫浦升壓電路,另一個是多級的穩壓器,將分別討論其操作原理。 接下來展示的是以二極體為基本的增壓器的模型建立方法以及分析,而此模型的相依係數分別有輸入電壓振幅、輸出電流(負載電流)、輸出電壓峰對峰漣波以及二極體的大小。由於必須考慮輸出電壓峰對峰漣波的影響,因此,亦展示了輸出電壓漣波的公式推導。 最後是比較相同增壓器之下模擬和本篇所設計出的模型的差異,另外再比較輸出電壓最佳化後,模擬和模型的差異,而本篇所做的模擬皆是採用台積電0.35um CMOS製程。


As researches about RFID increase, the key component of RFID, power converted circuit, becomes much more important. In this thesis, modeling and optimization of diode-based voltage multiplier circuit is presented. First, there are two kinds of power converted circuit, charge pump and multi-stage rectifier. The operations of those two circuits are discussed. And then analysis and modeling of diode-based voltage multiplier is proposed. The proposed model includes effects of input voltage amplitude, output current (load current), output peak-to-peak ripple voltage, and diode size. Due to the effect of output ripple voltage, the derivation of output ripple voltage is also presented in this thesis. Comparisons between simulations and predicted values from proposed model are presented. It also shows the comparisons between simulation and model after optimized. All simulations are based on TSMC 0.35um CMOS process.




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