  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林昀嫺 王智弘


本研究動機系因裁判外解決解紛爭(ADR)機制的興起,帶動國內外、實務界與學界均掀起一股研究及推展熱潮,家事事件因涉及親人間的糾紛及未成年子女的利益,特別不適合以對立的傳統訴訟方法解決,因此,家事調解制度在這股ADR的熱潮中,成為特別受重視的一環,我國近年來家事調解新制,歷經各法院的試辦,已漸漸發展出國內實務運作的各種方式,惟在起步階段仍有待更深入的觀察、研究。 本論文先從親屬法中離婚政策及法理切入探討,找出家事調解制度在其間所能扮演的角色與其價值。再從現行法中就有關調解的相關規定、家事調解的意義、困難、家事調解的重心、不適合進行調解的案件類型、推展家事調解可能的阻礙、對家事調解質疑者與支持者的意見為探討;並介紹國內的實施現況及國外所施行的家事調解模式,調解人的資格、認可程序,英國追縱、評估家事調解的方式與實徵研究;另就家事調解相關的倫理議題提出探討,且以問卷方式調查共 十七個法院有承辦調解案件之家事庭法官、調解人、家事調解行政輔助人員(法官助理或書記官)相關之倫理信念與行為,並就其背景狀況,從統計資料作出分析報告。 最後,對研究成果提出結論與建議:從法理與政策面、國內外的實徵研究、國際間推動ADR的趨勢等方面,肯定家事調解的價值;並建議兩願離婚、及以破綻主義為主的離婚法之修訂方向、加速家事事件法之制定。另實徵研究部分:建議調解人的專業知能、「告知後同意」的踐行程序、中立態度、不收受不正利益、尊重當事人意願、性別平等的信念、對弱勢族群的扶助等,均仍待增強。並就未來家事調解教育訓練、整體環境的改善、值得繼續研究的主題提供意見。


This research is motivated by the rise of alternative dispute resolution (ADR)methods and by the very nature of family dispute; in the Family Courts litigants used to argue, this not being proper. The system of family mediation places particular emphasis on the trend of ADR. Through the pilot period in all the courts of our country, we have developed little by little our own family mediation system. This system has been initiated into practice but still requires further survey and research. To start off with, this study examines the status and value of family mediation in our law policy and legal principle. This examination also involves an analysis of a series of issues which include: · the domestic mediation regulations, · the meaning, · the difficulty, · the obstruction, · the gravity, · the ethical issues, · the pros and cons of family mediation. Furthermore, the essay has delved with the practical aspects of domestic family mediation, the exotic family mediation mode, the required qualifications, the licensed process of foreign mediators, and a survey of the UK family mediation system. To achieve its purpose, this study has adopted a quantitative research method by the use of questionnaires that explore the ethical conception and behaviour of 17 domestic Family Courts mediators, judges and administrators. From the statistical data that have been gathered from totally 189 valid questionnaires, this study has analysed the scenario of the ethical conception and behaviour of the workers involved in family mediation. On the basis of this examination, the essay concludes by affirming the positive value of family mediation through an analysis of the family law policy and legal principle, the domestic and foreign surveys, and the adoption of the ADR approach. The essay recommends the reform of the family law and the enhancement of the family-mediation-workers’ training on · the “inform & consent”, · the impartial attitude, · the avoidance of illegal interests, · the respectfulness to clients’ will, · the conception of sexual equality, · the aid to underprivileged clients. Proper training on these issues will ameliorate our family mediation system. Finally, the essay raises important points for future research.




