  • 學位論文


CAD system for 3D Ink Jet Printing

指導教授 : 蕭德瑛


本研究中提出了一套三度空間噴印時的噴印路徑規劃、噴印圖片計算及噴印結果模擬預覽之運算處理系統與流程,並且在運算流程中,加入了多項機台參數及使用者自訂參數做為計算中的限制及依據。 此系統的運算可分為四大處理部分,模型處理、路徑計算、圖片運算及結果運算與輸出。在模型處理的部分會將讀入的模型資訊運算處理成規律的資料點以便後續運算的使用;路徑計算則會依設定的噴印條件及噴印情況做路徑位置點及其噴頭指向向量的插補運算;噴印圖片計算同樣也是依所訂定的限制條件、模型斜率變化等因素做適當的運算處理,成為能夠配合噴印路徑做曲面噴印時所需的噴印圖片。最後將以圖形、動畫的方式使使用者了解運算完成之噴印路徑及噴印圖片之最終結果,並將結果分別輸出成NC code及tif圖檔,提供三度空間噴印時的路徑資訊及配合的噴印圖案。 藉由如此的一個運算處理程序規劃,即可讓使用者簡單、方便且清晰的對於三度空間噴印所需之路徑及圖片做一個適當的運算處理,並且得出所需結果。


噴墨 五軸 三度空間 模型處理 列印


In this study, the printing process of a 3D freeform surface printing is developed and the computing system to do the printing process such as printing path planning, printing picture handling, result previewing and simulating for 3D inkjet printing is also developed. In the computing system, users can set the parameters relate to 3D printing machine or users` needs as the computing constraints and basis. The process in this system has four major parts: model processing, printing path planning, printing picture handling and result computing and outputting. In model processing, it transfers the input information into regular data points for subsequent calculations. In printing path planning, it generates the printing path coordinates and printer head direction according to the setting condition and situation defined by user. In printing picture handling process also used to adjust the picture according to the restrictions, model slopes and such factors, which makes the image suitable for surface printing. In the last, system presents the printing path and image by showing the figures and doing animation of the printing process. Then transfer the path information and image to NC code and tif image to translate the printing information to 3D printing system. This system can provide a simple, convenient and clear processing environment to help the users do a proper printing path generation to get the path information and image to be print.


inkjet print CAD surface printing 3D


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