  • 學位論文


A Model for Generating Outputs for Multiple Location-based Services

指導教授 : 侯建良


適地性服務(Location-Based Service,LBS)乃泛指適地性服務之服務提供者利用通訊技術獲得使用者之定位資訊與需求資訊後,結合預先由地理資料提供者取得之地理相關資訊,判定符合使用者需求且較接近服務需求者之資訊或資源,並透過行動網路將較接近服務需求者之資訊傳予服務需求者參考或將較接近服務需求者之資源分配予服務需求者使用。然而,地理資料提供者提供之地理相關資訊可能相當繁雜,造成服務提供者往往需耗費大量心力由繁雜之地理相關資訊中篩選符合服務需求者需求之資訊與服務;此外,綜觀過去相關研究,本研究發現過去相關研究於決定適地性服務輸出結果時往往僅考慮特定單一績效指標,造成推論之結果無法符合服務需求者多元化之需求。故本研究乃發展一套考量多項績效指標且適用於多種LBS應用情境之「多元化適地性服務輸出推論方法論」,期望能讓適地性服務之服務提供者根據服務需求者之需求訊息與資料提供者之地理相關資訊、配合各類型適地性服務之特性,以系統化之推論過程決定符合服務需求者需求之資訊與服務。   於發展「多元化適地性服務輸出推論方法論」前,本研究先將服務需求者之需求訊息與資料提供者提供之地理相關資訊依其特性進行分類,並將需求訊息與地理相關資訊之分類結果交叉比對,以歸納適地性服務之六大基本類型。而本研究所發展之「多元化適地性服務輸出推論方法論」即根據六大適地性服務基本類型之特性發展其對應之輸出推論模式。此方法論之詳細作法為先將六大類型適地性服務中可能為服務需求者查詢目標之標的物及其對應之各屬性值維護於後端資料庫;當服務需求者提出需求訊息時,服務提供者即根據標的物屬性值、地理相關資訊及服務需求者定位資訊與需求等輸入資料,搭配各類型適地性服務之特性與對應之演算法進行相關資料之比對與計算,以篩選符合服務需求者多元化需求之標的物;最後,將篩選後之標的物與其對應之資訊/資源提供予服務需求者參考或使用。   本研究尚以上述方法論為基礎,建構一套「多元化適地性服務系統」,並以三個適地性服務類型所對應之應用情境為案例進行系統績效驗證,以評估本系統之合理性與實用性。整體而言,本研究所提出之多元化適地性服務輸出推論模式可以系統化方式推論各種類型適地性服務之輸出結果;此外,本研究考量服務需求者於各適地性服務應用情境可能關切之各種指標,使所推論之輸出結果可滿足服務需求者多元化之需求。


In the location-based services (LBS), the services provider utilizes the demander locations, demand specifications and geographic information to determine and deliver the information or services that can meet the demander requirements. The geographic information from the information provider might be huge and complicated and the service provider has to spend much time to filter the appropriate target objects to meet demander requirements. Furthermore, most previous LBS studies concern simply one type of performance indicators and thus the generated LBS outputs cannot comprehensively meet the diversified demands of demanders. In order to solve these problems, this research develops a model for generating outputs for multiple location-based services.   At first, this research analyzes the demands from demanders and geographic information from the information provider to define the categories of demands and geographic information. Based on the categories of demands and geographic information, this research generalizes the six basic types of LBSs. Based on the characteristics of these LBSs, this research establishes the six sub-modules to generate LBS outputs for these six types of LBSs. In brief, as the demander sends his/her demands to the service provider, the service provider can utilize the demander location, demand specifications, geographic information and the corresponding sub-module to determine the closest target objects that meet the demander requirements. The information of the closest objects as well as related services are then delivered to the demander.   This research also develops a multiple LBS system based on the proposed methodology. Furthermore, three LBS scenarios were used as examples to evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology and system. As a whole, the LBS output generation model can be used by service providers to systematically and efficiently determine the LBS information or services for demanders and meet their diversified demands in real cases.


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