  • 學位論文


Development of a Microturbine Generator System

指導教授 : 蔣小偉


純電動車無法快速搶市,續航力偏低為其主因,加上國內充電站的設立不夠普及,為避免電動車駕駛在行駛中遇到電瓶沒電,又無法及時趕至鄰近充電站的窘狀,本研究設計一套渦輪發電系統,提供電動車在無電量之情況下進行緊急充電,其功能可讓電動車靠此系統行駛至充電站。由於渦輪發電系統具有高密度能量、啟動速度快且震動小等優點,現今已被廣泛運用於分散式發電,也因此越來越多的交通載具皆採用混合動力或純電力驅動;可以預見,攜帶式電子產品會在短時間內蓬勃的發展,而未來相關電力需求則以每年15%的速度向上成長,所以將系統微型化亦會是大勢所趨。 本研究將以JETCAT的 SPT5渦輪引擎作為動力核心,選配發電機,開發渦輪發電系統配套技術,應用於個人載具,因同時配置攜帶式與固定式兩系統,遂可建立另一套電力系統予以輔助,其中攜帶式系統用於戶外緊急時刻,及時提供輔助電力,讓個人載具之電池組緊急充電,且替代電池組亦發揮驅動馬達之功能;而固定式系統則應用於定點或居家等固定場所,進行一般電池組之充電功能。在發電系統建立完成後,將進行兩組渦輪發電系統性能分析與測試,以了解各項性能參數與特性,作為未來實際操作之依據,而本研究最終目的係讓配有雙輪式的個人載具無電力告罄後顧之憂,提供電池組既可緊急充電,又可讓替代電池組驅動馬達,未來不論何時、何地,皆能提供即刻電源以應萬變。


微型 渦輪 發電系統


Due to most electrical vehicles nowadays are all lack of endurance, the purpose of our investigation is to prevent breakdown of a car when the battery is out, Therefore, a turbo generator will be developed so that a car could be charged when in an urgent situation, and let them get to the nearest charging station to be charged. Turbogenerators has some advantages compared with the piston engine generator. For example, it has high energy density and it can be started up and running in a short time with low vibration. These advantages led them to be used widely in distributed power generation. Nowadays, more and more people drive Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV or Hybrid), Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles (PHEV) or Battery only Electric Vehicles (BEV). Portable electronic products will also be used widely in the future and we estimate the electric power in need will rise at a rate of 15% a year. This will be the main reason why we are developing a Micro-Turbo-Generator. In this study, we are going to use the engine SPT5 manufactured by JETCAT CORP as our main power source. By selecting a power generator that will match our engine, we can develop a Micro-turbo-Generator, to be integrated into an electric vehicle. Two types of micro-turbo-generator will be developed. One is a portable micro-turbo-generator that could be used when our car breaks down in the middle of nowhere with no charging station to be found, we can use it as an emergency backup power supply to charge our car battery. The other one is a fixed micro- turbo-generator that we can place in our house or at a vacation site to provide electrical power for charging our electric vehicle battery. After the two types of micro-turbo-generator are developed, its performance, analysis and testing will be conducted so that we can understand its performance parameters and characteristics. The final task of our study is to combine our study to the “I BIKE”, a personal electric vehicle our University has developed, to act as an emergency backup power supply when riding outdoors.


Microturbine Generator System


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