  • 學位論文


Growth Strategy of Copper Clad Laminate Industry in Taiwan-by case study on Company A

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


中文摘要 印刷電路板產值是僅次於IC、面板,位居台灣電子產業第三大的電子零組件,其重要性不可言喻。同時,電路板也成為各類電子產品的必要關鍵性零組件,任何電子產品都需要電路板作為載具及溝通平台,以發揮其產品設計的功能。 台灣印刷電路板(PCB or PWB)產業發展源自於1969年美商安培(Ampex)來台設立國內第一家PCB工廠迄今,PCB產業的發展已有40多年的歷史,至2011年為止,全球前20大PCB製造廠商中台灣廠商就佔了6位,如下圖,其中除了成功運用兩岸分工製造策略之外,最大原因建立了完整產業供應鏈。 圖I: World Top 20 PCB markers History 資料來源: N.T. Information Ltd., 2012 而PCB供應鏈中佔總成本超過30%的主要原物料就是銅箔基板 (Copper Clad Laminate)及膠片(Prepreg),最早銅箔基板的技術來自美商OAK在隨後OAK被美商ALLIED SIGNAL購併,部分OAK人員出走在台灣成立了亞化,亞化又開枝散葉衍生出A及B公司,A隨後又衍生出C公司,產業發展一片欣欣向榮,但伴隨著PCB組裝製程邁向無鉛製程(Lead Free ASSEMBLY)及終端客戶環保意識抬頭的無鹵化(Halogen-free)需求下,擁有各自獨門研發樹脂配方技術的銅箔基板廠商便一躍成為主角,從傳統的價格及產能競爭轉變為產品差異化的競爭,進入百花爭鳴的新時代。 本研究將探討銅箔基板廠商近幾年內外在環境的轉變,輔以SWOT及五力分析、競爭策略理論、成長理論、個案研究分析、財務分析等方法,針對產業中成長較迅速的廠商A,B及C公司為主要研究對象,探討其營運成長、競爭策略與經營績效間相關性,進而提出產業未來發展建議,希望對台灣銅箔基板產業或其他台灣中小企業的發展有所助益。 關鍵詞:銅箔基板、印刷電路板、營運績效、成長策略、競爭策略


Abstract Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is the key component for electronic products. Taiwan PCB industry can be dated back to 1969 when its 1st PCB shop “Ampex” was established by US PCB manufacturer in Taiwan. In 2011, Taiwan PCB manufactures hold total 6 spots on World Top 20 PCB manufactures as below Table after substantial growth in past 40 years, the most critical factors to support such a great achievement partially due to the cross strait collaborative strategy and manufacturing deployment between Taiwan and China and another factor is contributed to its well established supply chain. Chart I: World Top 20 PCB markers History Source: N.T. Information, 2012 For PCB supply chain, the major raw materials of PCB are copper clad laminate (CCL) and prepreg (PP) which exceed 30% of overall PCB cost. As the demand of lead-free soldering process and the call of halogen-free material, CCL manufacturers have become the leading role of this material evolution for having unique and different resin formulation and thus transformed the conventional price and capacity competition to differentiated competition. This research is to explore both the inner and outer environmental challenges on global laminate industry and then apply 5 Forces, SWOT analysis, both static and dynamic competitive theory, case study and financial analysis methods on the rapid growing CCL manufacturers in Taiwan such A, B and C companies to generate future growth strategy . Keywords: Copper clad laminate, printed circuit board, printed wiring board, operational excellence, growth strategy and competitive strategy


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