  • 學位論文


A Study of Mingben shi

指導教授 : 祝平次


摘要 《明本釋》一書由南宋劉荀所著,關於劉荀的生平事蹟,目前已不可考,只知道他大約生活於南宋孝宗年間,並且為劉摯(1030-1098年)之曾孫,曾先後師承於胡寅(1098-1156年)與張九成(1092-1159年)。劉荀生前創作過不少書籍,但目前流傳於世的只剩下《明本釋》一書,此書在清代一度亡佚,直至乾隆年間修撰四庫全書時,才從《永樂大典》中將此書的內容節錄出來。 目前我們想要了解劉荀的思想,只能透過四庫全書所收錄的《明本釋》,也是透過《明本釋》一書,劉荀才能在今日的學界受到注意,反觀其堂兄劉芮在《宋元學案》中的記載多於劉荀,在當代的名聲應該遠高於劉荀,但是隨著《順寧集》的亡佚,已經沒有作品傳世,如今已很難被學界討論。 本篇論文將以《明本釋》為中心開展許多相關問題進行研究,希望透過此篇論文,能讓讀者了解《明本釋》一書,包括此書的內容主旨、特殊的體例、作品的成書背景和書寫動機。筆者也將蒐集現有的資料、文獻,並考證《明本釋》的內容,整理出劉荀的生平事蹟和學思歷程。最後透過書中保留下來的資料,討論當代的學術思想和學術背景,以期能夠進一步分析《明本釋》的特色與它的歷史貢獻。 【關鍵詞】:《明本釋》、劉荀、南宋、劉摯、胡寅


《明本釋》 劉荀 南宋 劉摯 胡寅


Abstract Mingben Shi is a book which is written by Liu Xun in the Southern Song (1128-1278). Now not much material is left about Liu Xun's career. We can only know that he lived in the Southern Song and he was Liu Zhi's great-grandson. He was a disciple of Hu Yin (1098-1156) and Zheang Jiucheng (1092-1159). Liu Xun wrote many books during his lifetime. However, only one is extant which is called Mingben shi. This book had not been passed down once during the early Qing (1644-1911). Until the compilation of the Siku quanshu, it was excerpted from the Yongle dadian. Based on the Mingben shi, we can know more about Liu Xun's life than other material. It is also because the Mingben shi, scholars pay attention to Liu Xun. Though Liu Xun's cousin Liu Rui had been recorded more paragraphs than Liu Xun in the Anthology of Song and Yuan Confucians,., since Liu Rui's literary collection, Xunning ji is not extant, it is impossible to make Liu Rui a scholastic topic for discussion. This paper develops many related issues according to the Mingben Shi. It discusses the content of this book, the writing style, the background of the composition and the motivation of writing. it also collects extant information, documents and makes textual criticism to the content of the Mingben Shi. Then it surveys Liu Xun's career and his intellectual achivements. Finally it also discusses the academic thought and academic background of its generation according to the information which are recorded in the book in order to move forward a step to analyze the characteristic and the reception history of the Mingben shi. keywords:Mingben Shi;Liu Xun;Southern Song;Liu Zhi;Hu Yin


Mingben Shi Liu Xun Southern Song Liu Zhi Hu Yin


曾春海:〈二程哲學思想述要〉,哲學評論,第16期, 1983年1月。



