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A Study of Chun Qiu Zhung Yi Zhung Shi(by Ming Jing Association)




春秋 左傳 經學史 明經學會 吳佩孚


”Ming Jing Association” whose president is the warlord Pei-fu Wu published Chun Qiu Zhung Yi Zhung Shi, which annotated Chun Qiu and Zuo Zhuan, in the late spring of 1939. Chun Qiu Zhung Yi Zhung Shi is collaborated by the members of Ming Jing Association and mainly based on the interpretations of Pei-fu Wu and Chao-Zong Jiang. In this book, almost every interpretation explicates Pei-fu Wu's viewpoints and the compliments on Wu's perspectives abound. This manifests how Pei-fu Wu whose characteristic is dictatorial manipulated Ming Jing Association to interpret Chun Qiu and Zuo Zhuan. Although Chun Qiu Zhung Yi Zhung Shi only annotated ”Lu Yin Gong' in Chun Qiu and lacked the explanations on the meanings and pronunciations of the scripture, we, however, comprehend the particular perspectives of the members of Ming Jing Association on the relations among Chun Qiu, San Chuan, and Zuo Zhuan. While analyzing this book, we also discover the opinions of the members of Ming Jing Association and how they thought about the modernization and pragmatism of classical studies. This paper is planning to elaborate the points mentioned above.
