  • 學位論文


Effect of Telecommunication Technologies Evolution in Taiwan Telecom Industry and Exploring the Competitive Strategies - An Empirical Study of Chunghwa Telecom

指導教授 : 黎正中


摘要 近十年以來,台灣電信產業隨著技術演進與政府政策的開放,產業快速發展與成長,電信市場版圖不斷更迭與重整,電信產業的市場特性為寡占在國內呈現大者恆大,電信服務已從傳統的語音通信服務擴增為數據傳輸、多媒體、雲端應用等整合性服務,顧客需求的增加驅動產業的進步與創新。 通訊技術的革新對電信系統業者而言,不僅是威脅也是機會,並深度的影響政府政策的制定,交互作用下改變了產業競合與生態。本研究參考Porter(1980)的五力分析方法,深入分析通訊技術演進如何影響台灣電信產業的競爭歷史,以史為鏡,可以知興衰。經由文獻蒐集、歸納整理,參酌目前電信產業所面臨的技術革新的質性研究,並分析個案公司優劣勢,該採用何種行銷發展策略作出建議。 關鍵字:行銷發展策略、五力分析、電信產業


Abstract Telecommunication Technologies Evolution and Deregulation of telecommunication industry in Taiwan has led the industry develop rapidly, since ten years ago. Merge and acquisitions of Taiwan telecommunication happened frequently, the telecommunication market is gradually evolving into an oligarchic state in which the big players grow even bigger. The telecommunication service has been transformed from audio services to data, multimedia services, and cloud services. Increased Customer Demand Drives communication industry based innovation. Telecommunication Technologies Evolution which influences government policy-making process is not a threat but an opportunity for telecom operator. This research adopts the industry analysis tools created by Porter (1980) is employed to analyze the competition history of the telecommunication industry based on the Five Forces Model. Studying past history help us predict the future. This qualitative research, by collecting relevant literature, aims to understand strengths and weaknesses of Chung-Hwa Telecom as well as to propose recommendations of case company's marketing strategies. Key word: Five Forces Model, Marketing strategies, Telecommunication industry


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4. Porter, M. E. (1980), Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitor, New York: The Free Press.
