  • 學位論文


The Inheritance of Professional Artistic Skill in Interior Renovation: A Case Study of Wood Worker

指導教授 : 魏主榮


摘要 由於時代的變遷與科技的進步,木作傳統專業技藝正逐漸在流失當中。木作職人的傳承最重要的方法是延續傳統工藝的精神,現今木作技藝的傳承,有分師徒制,及證照制度兩種,其中師徒制度因為具有專業職人實務傳授,技藝較為專精,而考試證照制度,證照取得容易專業知識較為完整,但傳統技藝工法較為不足。當今裝修木作職場現況,出現人才缺工問題,願意投入學習的年輕人越來越少,陸續出現人才嚴重不足,木作職人人力斷層現象,最重要的關鍵是木作職人專業人力缺乏,裝修上只要木作沒做好,其它工種的進度就會受到影響,由此可知,木作職人在職場上扮演室內裝修各種工種的重要角色。 因此本研究希望以木作職人專業技藝傳承為例,針對室內裝修專業技藝的現況與發展進行研究,來探討現今木作工程的就業環境,及人才斷層迫切的問題,了解木作職人養成教育訓練模式,進而提升其技術能力及探討木作職人專業技能制度和人才傳承的方法。由研究結果得知,木作職人除了要有精湛的木作技能外,還需要有領導該團隊運作的能力及管理溝通協調能力,並且應時時自我進修學習,專研各工法施工技術,以培養個人藝術涵養,並且負起傳承之使命帶領後進晚輩延續此項傳統技能。 最後期盼政府能夠正視技職教育,落實階梯式教學,堅持基礎教育,專業教育與專職教育,與企業界建教合作方式達到、產、官、學合作的目的,實施學用合一教育方式,讓年輕人適性揚材,從實務中來學習,讓匠人精神代代傳承下去。 關鍵字:木作職人、師徒制、人才斷層、技藝傳承


Abstract Due to change with times and technology advancement, the traditional craft of woodworking is losing its ground. The most important way for professional woodworkers to pass on this traditional craft is to keep on its spirit. Today, the woodworking craft is passed on in two systems: apprenticeship and occupational certification. Apprenticeship provides hands on teaching from craft professionals and therefore makes it possible to achieve higher degrees of craft specialization; whereas, examination-based occupational certification, although making it easy to obtain certificates, can lead to the result of having more complete expertise but lacking in traditional craftsmanship techniques. Today’s workplaces of woodworking for decoration and repair are facing the problem of talent shortage. The declining number of young people who are willing to devote themselves to learning this craft is causing the emerging serious talent shortage and the gap in professional woodworkers. The reason why the shortage of professional woodworkers is the most crucial factor is that the progress of the other works is affected when woodworking for decoration and repair is not done properly. This makes it evident that professional woodworkers play a key role in various works associated with interior decoration and repair in workplaces. In view of the aforementioned, the purpose of this study was to look into the current state and development of the professional skills for interior decoration and repair in the case study of how professional woodworkers passed on their professional skills, further investigate today’s employment environment for woodworking and the urgent problem of talent gap, understand education and training models for nurturing professional woodworkers and further improving their technical competencies, and explore professional skill systems and methods for talent continuity. The results of this study show that professional woodworkers, in addition to superb woodworking skills, need to have the ability to lead team operations and manage communication and coordination, enrich individual artistic literacy through constant self-initiated further education and learning and study of various work methods and construction techniques, and take up the mission of leading newcomers and junior peers to keep on this traditional craft. Finally, the government should pay attention to the vocational education by enforcing tiered instruction and maintaining basic education, professional education and full-time education and achieve collaborations between academia, industry and government and alignment between learning and practice through vocational education and training partnerships with the business community so that young people can adapt their talent development to their individual aptitudes and learn by doing and the spirit of craftspeople can be passed down through generations. Keywords: professional woodworker, apprenticeship, talent gap, passing on the craft


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