  • 學位論文


Reseach on Disputes of Installment by Third Party to Finance─Focus on Extend The Right of Defense

指導教授 : 陳乃瑜


中文摘要 近年隨著商業與服務業發展興盛,交易型態亦有所改變,消費者購買商品或服務不再僅限於現金交易,取而代之以塑膠貨幣或是先支付一部分價金剩餘部分以分期方式支付等非同時交付價金與標的物之交易型態有愈來愈被消費者依賴之情形。然而,卻也產生了許多消費者爭議,如若提供商品或服務之企業經營者倒閉時,消費者權益無法受到保障等等。 而消費者購買分期交付之商品等遞延性商品有逐年增加之趨勢,如購買健身房之會員、購買美容中心課程或療程、購買補習班之教學課程、訂購報章雜誌等等,而其價金非消費者得以馬上支付之可能性極高,因此企業經營者為提高其銷售量常會提供分期支付價金之服務,然並非所有企業經營者皆有資力可以負擔消費者以分期方式支付價金,故有許多企業經營者會與提供融資服務之金融業者合作,由金融業者提供消費者價金之融資,使消費者得以分期付款之方式取得商品或服務,企業經營者亦可提高其商品服務之銷售量,而金融業者以可從中獲取利息之利益,係為三方皆受益之交易。 然倘若企業經營者於提供商品或服務之途中倒閉或因其他因素無法再提供商品或服務,此時消費者無法再自企業經營者處取得商品或服務,亦因與金融業者所締結者係為消費借貸契約,於法律關係上係為另一獨立契約,無法以對抗企業經營者之事由拒絕金融業者之清償請求,以此,對於消費者而言,無法取得商品或服務,卻仍必須支付該商品或服務之價金,對於消費者無疑是人財兩失之困境。再者,倘若今日消費者並非如上述係因企業經營者倒閉等無法取得商品或服務,而係於締結契約後認為該提供商品或服務並不符使用欲終止契約,此時,買賣契約或提供服務之契約以及消費借貸契約中常會有懲罰性違約金之約定,而該懲罰性違約金於法律中並無限制之,因此消費者終止契約後除須支付該懲罰性違約金外,尚須繼續支付該商品或服務之價金,而因金融業者大多係將價金一次撥付與企業經營者,消費者依不當得利向企業經營者請求返還時,常會有企業經營者傾向於該不當得利直接抵銷懲罰性違約金之情形,消費者所支付之金錢等同於與未解除契約之情形,因而忍痛繼續使用該不符使用之商品或服務,於此,對於消費者之保障係為明顯不足之。 此種爭議並非僅出現於我國,而德國與日本等先進國家針對該爭議早已以透過立法創設抗辯權來保障消費者之權益,然我國針對此種爭議於九十四年發生以來,行政院消保處雖對此類型爭議提出解決建議,但建議大多係為針對個案提出,而非係適用所有此類型糾紛,且縱使行政院消保處提出解決建議,然實務上在判決時仍有認為該解決建議僅為建議,而不影響請求權之權利,金融業者仍得請求消費者給付代為支付之價金,現今實務上仍侷限於債之相對性原則,而使消費者處於弱勢之地位,故本文希冀藉由介紹德國與日本之立法例,探討將其適用於我國之可能性以及以建構我國抗辯延伸之具體內容為目標,期許能夠非再以主管機關之行政命令作為解決方式,而係以較嚴格之法律規定來保障消費者之權益。


Abstract Nowadays, owing to the business and the service industry growing, and the change of trading type, consumer can not only buy goods or service by cash, they can also use plastic money or installment paying way to purchase products. And now a day, people are more and more depending on this type of trading way. However, installment trading also created a lot of consumer issues, for example, when a company was bankrupt, consumer won’t be able to protect their right anymore. To start with, the amount of consumer use installment buying is increasing recently. People use this shopping method to buy various products, ex. gym’s membership, course on beauty center, cram school courses, and order newspaper or magazine. Install payment shopping method allows consumer would not need to pay the money immediately. But, not all of business operators have sufficient finance to afford this shopping method. Therefore, lot of business operators cooperate with financial enterprise to loan money to consumer, and consumer could buy the products or service by installment payment. In this way, consumer, business operators and financial enterprise could get benefit from this kind of buying method. Nevertheless, when some business operator is no longer giving service or products to consumer, it would cause an awkward situation between consumers and financial enterprises, because the consumer still has a loan agreement with the financial enterprise. Consumers still need to refund the money to financial enterprise without get anymore service or products from the business operator; Moreover, if a consumer canceled a contract without legal reasons, it usually accompanied with punitive damages. In short, when a consumer canceled the contract, he/she would not only need to pay the purchase price, also need to pay the punitive damages to the business. Consumer could only allege that the action of business operators was unjust enrichment. In contrast, this kind of issues also happened in other countries, ex. Germany and Japan, but they set up exceptions to protect consumer rights away from the problem of installment buying way. But Taiwan still has not regulated a consistent concept to deal with this kind of consumer disputes since 2005. Meanwhile, some Taiwanese judgment stand that consumer had responsibility to pay the purchase to financial enterprise even the contract between the consumer and the business operator was cancelled. In order to push Taiwanese establish a strict consumer protect law to let consumer away from this unreasonable paying method. Finally, this thesis introduced the legislation in Germany and Japan, and analyzed the meaning of extended defense right. Hope we can regulate this kind of dispute by legislation, not administrative department.


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