  • 學位論文


Study on inner and outer inductor assistance device applied to multi-layer coil for improving temperature uniformity of induction heating

指導教授 : 陳夏宗


現今動態模溫技術發展蓬勃,其中感應加熱技術擁有高效率、低能損及淺層加熱等優勢。但也因為感應加熱技術因磁力分佈導致的低溫區域造成整體加熱均勻性不佳而形成應用上的限制。因此在線圈設計上導入多層式線圈以及導磁體來改善此現象。研究中將探討內外部導磁體設計應用於長形搭配中心多層式線圈來觀察其加熱均勻性的改善。 本研究分為三個階段,第一階段首先探討長形線圈搭配中心多層式線圈之可行性,並在多層式線圈內部加入導磁體,藉此改善中心低溫區域。第二階段將額外搭配中心多層式線圈外部之導磁體設計來進一步改善加熱均勻性。第三部份將以電腦分析軟體進行實驗結果之驗證,並且將此內外部導磁體設計移植到圓形線圈之中驗證其應用性。   研究結果顯示長型線圈搭配中心多層式線圈對溫度均勻性改善效果有限,但在中心多層式線圈內部加入導磁體後,中心低溫區域可以得到改善,然而改善效果並非加入越多的導磁體越好,當加入3顆導磁體時可獲得最好的溫度均勻性,與初始設計相比可以降低溫度標準差52.38%;但內部導磁體也會帶來局部高溫之現象,在3顆導磁體時,其最高溫度較初始設計相比提升了13.47%,額外再加入外部導磁體後可以降低此局部高溫之情況。當加入長邊及上蓋的外部導磁體後,最高溫度值比內部導磁體數量為3顆時低13.9%,整體溫度標準差與初始設計相比降低了68.63%。最後,利用電腦分析軟體ANSYS®進行溫度場之模擬,其分析結果與實驗結果相符,也因此驗證分析軟體之可靠性。此外將內外部導磁體設計應用至圓形線圈中也表現出與長形線圈相同的趨勢。


Dynamic mold temperature technology is growing at a rapid pace nowadays. Induction heating technology is the one of the dynamic mold temperature control technology known as high efficiency, low energy consumption and shallow layer heating. However, there is a low-temperature region due to magnetic distribution of induction heating technology, the low-temperature region causes poor heating uniformity and finite of application. Therefore, using multi-layer coil design with inductor assistance device (IAD) to improve this problem. This study will use inner and outer IAD in the long-shaped coil with multi-layer coil design to observe the improvement of the heating uniformity. This study was separated into three stages. First, not only the utility of the center multi-layer coil was be evaluated but also join the IAD into the multi-layer coil to improving the low-temperature situation of the center. Second, used additional outer IAD which were IAD at multi-layer coil periphery to further improve the heating uniformity. Last but not least used ANSYS® analysis software to verify the experiment result and the design of inner and outer IAD also used in circular coil with multi-layer coil to further verify this IAD design. The results show that the multi-layer coil design can increase magnetic field intensity at center region, but the improvement of heating uniformity is not obvious. The central low temperature region was improved when inner IAD were added. However, the improvement effect was not the more IAD the better. When 3 IADs were added, it could get the best temperature uniformity. The overall standard deviation of temperature can be reduced by 52.38%. However, the inner IADs would cause the local high temperature situation. When there were 3 IADs, its maximum temperature was 13.47% higher than original design. When the long side and top cover IAD was added, it can reduce 13.9% of the highest temperature value which was caused by 3 inner IADs. Besides the standard deviation of temperature was 68.63% lower than original design. The analysis results were consistent with the experimental results by using ANSYS® analysis software. At the same time, it verified the reliability of the analysis software. In addition, it was discovered that applying the inner and outer IAD were also consistent the same tendency as the long-shaped coil.


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