  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study of Business Disputes in Interior Design & Decoration Practices

指導教授 : 張謙允


近年來隨著室內裝修需求的日益增加,有關室內裝修業務糾紛屢有所聞。鑑於糾紛不斷重演及增加,造成當事人及社會龐大的成本損失,加上相關研究資料亦非常缺乏,無法有效防範類似糾紛一再產生。故本研究以國內室內裝修業務糾紛為研究主體,針對「業主」與「裝修業者」於室內裝修工程執行期間,易致糾紛之原因及業界處理糾紛方式進行探討,以呈現室內裝修業務糾紛的整體現況。期能降低室內裝修糾紛的發生機率,促成裝修業者與業主達成良好合作關係的目標。回應上述問題,研究主要內容有: 一、運用文獻蒐集與案例研討方式,彙整全省各地區「室內設計裝修商業同業公會」現有室內裝修業務糾紛相關案例,建立參考檔案,並針對檔案進行整體分析,歸納糾紛癥結與案例特性。 二、藉由所建立之參考檔案及針對擁有豐富裝修案例經驗的業界負責人、公會仲裁委員之深度訪談內容進行探討,發掘糾紛形成原因、歸納糾紛類型,並將事故原因列舉探討。 三、綜合上述案例分析結果及業界負責人、公會仲裁委員之深度訪談內容,製作參考性量化問卷,進行問卷調查,以獲知業界處理糾紛之現況與想法。 四、綜合前三項探討內容,歸納出目前國內室內裝修糾紛整體現況並提出研究結論。 研究成果顯示,78﹪受訪裝修業者在執業過程中皆有過與業主產生爭議、糾紛的經驗,而13﹪受訪業者有過與業主民事訴訟的經驗,顯示業界與業主間的糾紛為室內裝修領域普遍存在的現象,糾紛不僅對雙方當事人產生重大影響與損失,亦造成社會成本的增加,是亟待積極正視及預防的重要課題。其次,研究結果更進一步發現,裝修糾紛最易發生在工程完工期間,「平均糾紛價款」約佔總工程款20﹪。發生頻率最高的前五項糾紛原因,分別為「圖面繪製未齊全即進場施工」、「雙方當事人的認知差異」、「工程品質不佳或瑕疵」、「合約內容規定不夠詳盡」及「業主拖延或扣留工程尾款」等因素。在業界處理糾紛現況方面,會優先以「和解」、「調解」方式解決糾紛,除非確無轉圜空間,進而提付「仲裁」或「訴訟」途徑訴請判決。另外在公會調處仲裁服務方面,公會確實發揮解決糾紛爭議之功能,但在介紹與執行上仍有許多待加強空間。為防範室內裝修糾紛產生,本研究認為事先預防重於事後處理,可以有效減低室內裝修業務糾紛發生及重演機率,達成裝修業者與業主擁有良好合作關係的目標。


We have heard a lot about the business disputes regarding interior design & decoration in recent years along with the increasing demand of interior design & decoration. In view of the recurrence and the increasing number of disputes that cause tremendous loss to the parties and to the society, and the lack of sufficient pertinent research data, we have not figured out how to prevent the recurrence of the similar disputes efficiently. Therefore, our mission is to present the overall condition on business disputes of interior design & decoration. We focus on issues such as causes of potential disputes, and how people in this field handle them when projects are still in progress from both client's and decorator's point of view. Our goal is to reduce the frequency of disputes in interior design & decoration and to improve the relationship between decorator and client. In response to the aforementioned issues, this study primarily contains the following: 1. In order to build up a database in a systematic way for future references, we collect relevant reports filed with the Interior Design & Decoration Association of Commerce in Taiwan and have a case study on each of them. We further proceed with an overall analysis to each case and compile the major causes of disputes and cases characteristics. 2. Based on the established database, we hold in-depth interviews with well-experienced business owners and associates of commerce’s arbitrators to come up with the contributing causes and patterns of disputes, and itemize the facts of the cases. 3. Based on the conclusion of the case study and the in-depth interviews in (1) and (2), we generate questionnaire and conduct a survey with decorators in order to understand their opinion and how they handle the disputes. 4. Summarizing the aforementioned three studies, we compile the present condition of interior design & decoration disputes domestically and draw a conclusion from our studies. Following is the study outcome. 78% of interviewees claim that they have had disputes with clients in their practice. 13% of them had civil lawsuits with clients. It demonstrates that disputes between decorators and clients exist universally in the field of interior design & decoration. Not only do disputes create crucial impact and substantial losses on both parties, but also they increase the costs in society. Therefore, we should pinpoint the issue of the disputes aggressively and figure out how to prevent them. Secondly, this study further demonstrates that the disputes often happen during the final construction period, and the average amount of dispute is about 20% of the total contract price. The top five frequent dispute causes are as follows: a. Proceed with work without complete drafting, b. There may be no meeting of minds for both parties, c. Quality is bad, or there is defected works, d. The provisions of the contract are not detailed enough, and e. Clients postpone paying the final payments. When decorators deal with these disputes, they prefer to solve them via negotiation or mediation first. When it is impossible to negotiate or to mediate, they will consider arbitration or litigation. By and large, the mediation & arbitration service provided by the Association of Commerce are relatively satisfactory. However, the Commerce still needs to make improvement as to let people know they render the service and how to get things done. To prevent the dispute of interior design & decoration, this study concludes that prevention is better than cure. It can lower the chance of having business disputes of interior design & decoration as well as achieve the goal of maintaining a good relationship between clients and decorators.


1982 民法判解研究。台北:法務通訊社。
Lovelock, Christopher H. & Charles B. Weinberg
1992 Causes of Quality Deviation in Design and Construction, Vol.118,
【 中文書目 】
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