  • 學位論文


Developing of The Web News Translation Assist System for Blind

指導教授 : 蔡正倫


對於視覺障礙者來說,最主要的困難莫過於要和一個以視覺化為主的世界來做互動。傳統的傳播媒介像是文字書,對於視障者來說,都是沒有使用價值的。這些文字資訊就必須轉換成點字或者是以聲音的方式來呈現給視覺障礙者使用。 本研究在建立一個視障者適用之網路新聞轉譯輔助系統,在個人電腦、視窗2000作業系統下(已升級到Service Pack 2),利用Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0程式語言,與利用網際智慧股份有限公司開發之自然輸入法,作為本系統研究開發的工具。 開發出來的應用程式在執行後,會擷取網路上新聞的資訊,而新聞資訊會經由文字轉語音( Text-to-Speech;TTS )系統轉換成語音輸出,讓使用者能夠聽見在網路上的新聞資訊。另外,因為使用者為視障者,所以在使用者的操作介面上,便設定成熱鍵的方式,讓使用者利用鍵盤就可以操作程式。 本研究開發了一個視障者適用的網路新聞轉譯輔助系統。在此系統中,已經將應用程式與個人電腦整合在一起,規劃成為一個視覺障礙者適用的環境,以最基本的電腦操作方法來使用此應用程式。此應用程式可以將網路上的新聞資訊擷取出來,並藉由一種語音介面,將新聞的資訊「說」出來。使用者只要利用鍵盤操作,不需透過螢幕,只要用「聽」的就可以接收到網路上的新聞資訊。


The major difficulty a visually impaired person must overcome in a visually oriented world is the problem of interacting with the world. Traditional media, such as textbooks are useless for blind. The information must be made available in Braille or it must be available in voice. In this research, a Web news translation assist system for blind is built. The system is built with components that include a personal computer ( PC ), Microsoft Windows 2000 operation system with Service Pack 2, Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, and GoingIME99 V.5.04 by IQChina Technology Inc. The developing application program can capture the news information from Internet. The application program converts news information to speech out, which uses text to speech system (TTS). The user can use this application program to listen to the news on internet. Because the user are blind, in the user interface, setting the way to use hotkey. And the user can control application program by keyboard. In this research, a Web news translation assist system for blind is developed. In this system, application program and personal computer are cooperated to a meaningful interface. The application program can get the news information from Internet. And it can “speech out” the new information by voice interface. The user just use keyboard to control the application program. And they can listen to the news information from Internet.


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