  • 學位論文


A Study of the Chinese Classic Furtinitures in the Traditional Chinese Paintings

指導教授 : 陳其澎


摘 要 家具是日常生活的必要陳設,最能窺探生活與文化內涵的歷史文物,它既是實用的工藝品,更具有明確的時代特徵。就文人與家具的關係而言;從歷代家居陳設乃至家具造型,都處處可見文人參與其中的痕跡,而透過文人的哲學觀與審美標準,呈現在家具上的本質和精神,已非僅是家具的外相而已,它深刻地反映出當時的生活習俗、思想和審美意識,實已超越家具自身的功能和價值。 本研究乃針對中國家具與歷史、文人生活、傳統繪畫的關係上分析,並透過感官經驗來詮釋家具在生活情境中的體驗,以探討它在往日生活空間中的意涵及如何被陳設使用。關於本研究各章節的安排,說明如下: 第一章「緒論」部分,說明本研究的方法與探討對象,分析「中國家具」與「文人生活」的相關文獻,並擬定所使用的觀點。 第二章「家具的時代背景」部分,主要陳述傳統家具與歷史、文人的關係,分從「家居生活」、「習俗生活」、「文人品味」三方面來探討,以說明家具的時代環境背景。 第三章「坐臥家具」部分,主要以文人的生活空間為研究課題,藉由「床榻」與「椅凳」兩類家具,論述家具賦予生活空間的意涵,得以反映出文人生活的空間氣氛。 第四章「起居家具」部分,從「桌案」與「架几」兩類家具的陳設使用,詮釋文人優遊於琴棋書畫、品茗雅集的審美情感,並透過詩畫屏風的比擬,來呈現生活空間的聯想。 第五章「情境生活的體驗」部分,主要內容是探討家具與身體的關係,透過視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、味覺、觸覺等感官經驗,敘述出家具在生活空間的情境。 第六章「結論」部分,總結傳統家具在「文人生活」「審美活動」「感官經驗」三方面,所呈現的生活空間意涵,並建議後續發展方向。 關鍵字:家具、感官、傳統繪畫、生活空間、文人生活


文人生活 家具 感官 傳統繪畫 生活空間


Abstract Furniture is an essential and indispensable element in daily life. In terms of furniture, a door can be opened to the understanding of a particular culture. In ancient China, the literati plays a significant role in the design of furniture and presentation of it. Therefore, Chinese classic furniture is more than just a common practical craft. It is actually a way of living, a way of thinking, a way of aesthetics, and above all, a way of their perspective of the whole universe. This research analyses the role of Chinese classic furniture in traditional Chinese painting and the living of the literati. It also explores the interaction between furniture and people. This research is organised as follows: Chapter one:It introduces the research topic and the research method. It also reviews relevant literatures on Chinese classic furniture and literati's living space. Chapter two:It explores the historical background of classic furniture, focusing on its relationship with the literati. It includes three aspects: custom, domestic life and literati's interests. Chapter three:It considers sitting and lying furniture, including beds, couches, chairs and stools. Through studying the arrangement of these types of furniture, it aims to reveal the philosophy of the arrangement of literati’s living space. Chapter four:It focuses on domestic furniture, including tables, desks, racks, and small tables.In terms of studying the arrangement of these types of furniture, it attempts to interpret how the literati enjoy their living painting, writing calligraphy, playing chess, playing music, and holding tea savouring party.Moreover, by means of the poems on the screen the connection of living space and literal life is show. Chapter five:It explores the interaction between furniture and bodily senses, through seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching to study the meanings behind. Chapter six concludes: It summarizes the significance of furniture in living space reflected from three aspects: the literati's living, the aesthetic activity, and the experience of senses.Moreover, it suggest further research that might follow this research. Keyword: furniture, senses, traditional Chinese painting, living space, Literati’s living.


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