  • 學位論文


The Study Of the CRM in On-line Broker

指導教授 : 吳肇銘


隨著網際網路的成熟,促使電子商務蓬勃發展,整個市場環境逐漸轉為以消費者為導向,企業經營者也開始關注到惟有真正了解顧客需求,確實維繫良好的顧客關係,善用網際網路的特色,搭配個人化使用之特質,使企業更容易提供客製化(Customization)之商品或服務給予顧客,進而提升網路系統為一對一行銷的利器,甚至成為企業與顧客之間建立良好顧客關係管理(CRM,Customer Relationship Management)的一項重要媒介。然而面對這樣龐大的資訊基礎建設,關係著企業的生存與否,而巨額的花費及漫長的時程,更是組織必須在進行專案時,要小心謹慎規劃與控制的原因。 本研究選定幾個目前台灣排名前十大券商為其個案研究,深入探討其新興券商與舊有具歷史性券商,於現階段中資訊科技的運用狀況及導入時所面臨之困難與挑戰,同時更進一步的分析比較其不同企業文化,於規劃CRM導入之際,所考量之決策因素之差異與共同考量因素為何。 整個研究,先探討其目前導入之背景、動機、導入狀況,接著再探討其導入時所面臨的困難與挑戰,最後並將其考量導入因素深入探討,並加以比較分析。整體而言,證券商在其CRM的運用上,仍於萌牙、探索階段期,目前所運用在資訊科技上,並無太大的差異,也就是都僅止於強調銷售面的服務,諸如語音下單、網路下單、AP下單、Wap下單等多管道下單。而其資料庫行銷、資料倉儲與資料採礦之運用則相當有限。 研究結果顯示雖兩家證券公司於其背景文化上的差異有著相當的不同,也因此有著些許的差異,但於規劃CRM導入之考量因素仍由幾大方面來做考量,分別為CRM策略面、CRM解決方案評估、廠商特性及組織面來做評估,同時並以分析結果,定訂幾個重要命題,供給企業後續於導入CRM時考量之參考。


The Internet has been getting mature and therefore E-commerce is getting popular. The whole market environment is changing from the past – product oriented into customer oriented. High level manager starting to notice only to understand customer really needed and take a good relationship with your customer is the main business survival way. And also using the one-to-one information technology along with providing a customization service is the best way to build a good customer relationship. However for customer relationship system is kind of huge and costly therefore company need be very careful to planning and controlling the whole implement period. This study is based on three individual cases, which are the top ten on-line brokers in Taiwan to analysis the differentiation between the new and old historical company when doing CRM. The whole analysis is containing the existing information technology using, the challenge during planning, implementation and also to compare the strategy making between the different culture companies. The overall CRM building for on-line broker in Taiwan is just start and considered a very initial and exploring stage. The computer information technology used is almost the same between those on-line brokers. There are currently only focus on multi-channel sale service like IVR-order, Internet order, Application order and Wap-order …etc. The overall Database selling, data warehouse and data mining technology are still very rarely. The conclusion for the study shows based on the differentiation of culture and background, there are still few differences between them however, the overall planning and evaluation are follow CRM strategy, CRM solution, Integration vendor and Organization those four main idea for their evaluate.


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