  • 學位論文


The Influential Factors on Cognitive Appraisal and Emotion Reaction of Teasee.

指導教授 : 孫蒨如


摘 要 嘲弄(teasing)是一種帶有敵意/攻擊性意味的玩笑/幽默,也是我們日常生活中相當普遍的人際互動行為。本研究即在於了解嘲弄的本質與意涵、國人日常生活中常見的嘲弄情形、以及進一步探究與操弄影響被嘲弄者(teasee)對嘲弄事件認知評估的因素。 本研究首先了解西方文獻對嘲弄(teasing)的定義,並分別從選擇題與開放式的問卷,來檢驗國人心中是否有如西方文獻中嘲弄這樣的概念,檢驗結果顯示中文詞彙的“嘲弄”一詞,可以表徵國人心中這樣的概念。第二部分則是探討關於日常人際互動中嘲弄的情形,本研究採用開放式的問卷,要求受試者自我報告一個印象深刻的被嘲弄經驗,就嘲弄的主題、被嘲弄者與嘲弄者間的關係,及個人對嘲弄事件的反應與感受等等加以說明,並依此結果做為下階段正式實驗材料的編製依據。 在第三部分,本研究採用情境模擬腳本(scenario)的方式,來操弄影響對嘲弄事件的認知與感受的因素。本實驗的設計為 2(嘲弄主題的在意程度:高vs.低)×2(被嘲弄者與嘲弄者之間的關係:熟朋友vs.普通朋友)×2(嘲弄的場合:公開場合―有嘲弄者以外的他人在場vs.私下場合―無嘲弄者以外的他人在場) 的三因子混合設計,其中「嘲弄主題的在意程度」為受試者內變項。主要依變項是被嘲弄者對嘲弄事件的認知評估,以及情緒與因應反應。結果顯示,相較於個人不在意的主題而言,當個人很在意的主題受到嘲弄時,被嘲弄者的認知評估與感受較為負向;相較於熟朋友針對個人不在意的主題而言,當熟朋友針對個人很在意的主題來嘲弄時,被嘲弄者的認知評估與感受較為負向。此外,相較於普通朋友而言,當熟朋友嘲弄時,被嘲弄者的認知評估與感受較為正向,此為本研究原先所未預期的。而至於進一步的解釋與建議,在文中將會有所討論。


認知評估 敵意的 情緒反應 攻擊 玩笑的 幽默 嘲弄


Abstract Teasing refers to a combination of aggressive/hostile and playful/humorous behavior intentionally directed at a target person. Many researches had been conducted in this area, however, there was no study had ever explored the teasing behavior in Chinese society. We conducted two studies to explore the concept of “teasing” among Chinese people, and examine the possible influential factors of teased experience. In study 1, we employed the opened-ended and multiple–choice questionnaires to examine the equivalent concept of “teasing” in Chinese and found that the Chinese term “Chao-Nong” was the appropriate term. In study 2, we asked subjects to write down narratives about their most impressive “Chao-Nong” experiences. The scenarios employed in the experiment were constructed based on these narratives. In study 3, subjects were asked to read scenarios and imagine they were the target person. The design was a 2(importance of the teasing topic: high vs. low)Î 2(the relationship between teasee and teaser: good friend vs. acquaintance)Î 2(teasing situation: public vs. private) mixed-design, with the first variable as a within-subject variable. The main dependent measures were the cognitive appraisals, emotion reactions, self-evaluation, and the evaluation of the teaser. The results indicated a main effect of the teasing topic. Subjects generally had less positive cognitive appraisals and showed more negative emotion reactions when they were teased on an important topic than on an unimportant topic. We also found a predicted topic by relationship interaction. That is, when teasing by a good friend, subjects often showed more negative responses if the topic was important instead of unimportant. Besides, an unexpected main effect of relationship was found. Teasing event was considered as more positive and elicited more positive emotions when the teaser was a good friend than an acquaintance. Further implications and suggestions were also discussed.


emotion reaction teasing cognitive appraisal aggression humor playful hostile


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