  • 學位論文


A Study of the Differences in Energy Savings in Taipei Office Lighting in Architectural Building and Interior Decorating

指導教授 : 莊修田


摘 要 基於地球生態環境的維護,世界各國積極展開溫室氣體減量工作,其中以降低能源消耗為重點工作之一。在國內,政府相關單位藉由「能源之星」計畫與「綠建築」標章的推行,以減少能源之消耗。然就「節能」而言,以「用電耗能」影響耗能量為最劇,從國內辦公空間照明用電狀況來看,依季節的不同,其照明用電量佔整體用電量的35%〜58%,顯示辦公空間內人工照明使用率相當高。故探討辦公空間照明系統的耗能狀況,增加其能源使用的功效,為辦公空間「節能」重要之課題。因此,本研究乃針對台北市辦公空間在建築與室內裝修階段照明系統節能方式之差異性進行探討。 研究中藉由專家訪談方式,以了解業界照明設計的生態及不同階段、專業領域之照明設計者在照明設計上的看法與差異,以釐清那些差異點是造成建築與室內裝修階段照明用電量的差異。並以田野調查方式,蒐集兩階段個案的照明相關資料,一方面比較兩者的照明用電量,另一方面建構台北市辦公空間之照明單位面積電力負載量及UPD的初步資料架構,且依現行照明節能規定檢討研究個案的照明設計。 其研究成果顯示,建築與室內裝修階段的照明,因照明設計者的專業背景及工作性質、作業流程、照明設計的對象與需求、照明設計的方式與觀念等的不同,進而造成照明用電上的差異。且根據54家公司(102個單位空間)之裝修個案的照明用電量統計資料結果得知:室內裝修階段的照明單位面積負載量與照明用電密度較建築階段為高。再則,依研究統計資料提出台北市辦公空間之照明單位面積負載量與照明用電密度的用電現況調查與建議之參考值,一方面可做為照明設計者於照明設計時參考之依據,另一方面有助於下階段照明節能政策「台灣UPD標準」研訂時之參考依據。 依照明節能比(Lr)檢討個案照明設計的結果顯示,室內裝修階段未能通過檢討的個案,其比例達四分之一強,主要原因為過度使用發光效率低之電光源,以及螢光燈系燈具之電子安定器的使用率偏低;建議照明設計者應重新檢視氣氛照明及重點照明的設計方式。為延續本研究之目的,並促使國家照明節能政策能更趨完善與健全,在後續研究上,建議從照明品質標準的研究與台灣UPD資料系統的建構兩大方向予以著手。


Abstract To conserve the global ecology, all nations worldwide are actively striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Cutting back energy consumption is a key undertaking in this effort. In Taiwan, the government is making such efforts as launching “Star of Energy Plan” and “Green Building Labelling”. Nevertheless, “energy savings” and “electrical power consumption” affect energy consumption the most. Judging from local office building lighting usage, which accounts for 35%-58% of the total power consumption according to different seasons, a considerably high rate of artificial lighting is used in the office environment. Therefore, studying office lighting energy consumption and enhancing energy efficiency are critical issues for office energy savings. This study aims to study the differences in energy savings in Taipei office lighting in architectural building and interior decorating. Through expert interviews, this study aims to understand the lighting design industry ecological progress and different designer points of view. This helps to sort out the variances in conducting different power consumption levels in architectural building and interior decorating. A field survey was employed to collect relevant lighting data for individual cases in two stages: (1) comparing the two stages’ lighting power consumption; (2) constructing the power load per unit space in Taipei office lighting and preliminary UPD data structure. The lighting designs from individual cases were examine according to current lighting energy savings’ regulations. The results from this study indicate that lighting power consumption varies in two stages due to the different professional backgrounds, working conditions, operation flow, clients needs, design methods and concepts. Moreover, based on the statistical data for office lighting power consumption from 54 companies (102 unit spaces) surveyed: the lighting power loads per unit space and unit power density in the interior decor are both higher than that in the architectural building. Proposing parameters based on this study’s current electrical usage survey of Taipei office lighting power load per unit space and unit power density are: (1) as a basis for designer future reference; (2) as a reference for helping the government constructing “Taiwan UPD Standard” in regulating next phase’s energy savings policy. According to the energy saving ratio (Lr), the results from assessing individual lighting design show that cases that failed in the interior decorating stage accounted for 1/4 of the total due to excessive use of power low-illumination efficacy sources, low use of electronic stabilisers for fluorescent lights. The designers are recommended to re-examine the design methods for atmospheric lighting and focus lighting. To continue the objective of this study and for a sounder and more comprehensive national energy savings policy, it’s recommended that the subsequent researches are focused on the two major directions of studying lighting quality standards and building Taiwan UPD data system.


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