  • 學位論文


Study of corporate governance and internal auditing operated in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王敏茹


摘要 公司治理由OECD(國際經濟合作暨發展組織)提倡後,目前已成為世界之趨勢潮流。我國在國外機構投資人之影響下,由證期會之積極宣導推動,已完成制定公司治理守則,規範上市上櫃公司如何達成公司治理之原則:股東之權利、公平對待股東、利害關係人在公司監控之地位、資訊揭露及其透明性及董事會之責任。由於我國公司治理主要缺失乃董事會易遭少數大股東把持,致效能不彰;監察人缺乏獨立性及專業性,功能無法有效發揮。在此情形下引進獨立董監事之制度,如果沒有配套之措施,可能就會流於形式。因此,內部稽核之輔助,正可以補充獨立董監事內部持續監控之不足。 在了解公司治理的意義,及探討如所有權與經營權分離、代理理論、獎酬與激勵、財務報表公開及資訊透明等;及公司治理架構如公開收購、委託書,公司治理評價機制、機構投資人及投資人保護法等相關文獻後。參酌美國、德國、日本等國及我國之公司治理,了解到內部控制是公司治理之基石,而內部稽核必須有效落實。 公司治理是否落實,已成為投資判斷之重要依據,也直接影響到公司股票價值。由於我國與美國國情不同,市場機制—機構投資人制衡力量薄弱,需由政府積極介入。而投資人對於投資人保護法及股東訴訟,須有效發揮功用,法制規範得宜,配合內部稽核功能之有效運作,更能強化公司治理之機能。 在蒐集相關資料,加以歸納分析研究後,具體提供下列之建議,來制定內部稽核適宜執行之依據,加強協助公司治理之功能: 一、 對立法之建議: 1. 獨立董監事法制化 2. 避免監察人功能疊床架屋 3. 仿傚日本商法之股東訴訟費用 二、 對內部稽核作業之建議: 1. 獨立監察人對內部稽核作業之監督 2. 內部稽核向審計委員會報告 3. 內部稽核定期與獨立董監事聯繫 三、對外部評量的建議


公司治理 內部稽核


Abstract Corporate governance has become a worldwide trend since it was promoted by OECD. Under the influence of foreign institutional investors and the active promotion of SEC, the enactment of corporate governance principles has been completed, regulating the TSE/GTSM listed companies’ governance. They include right of shareholders, the equitable treatment of shareholders, the role of stakeholders in corporate governance, disclosure and transparency, the responsibilities of the board. Major defects of corporate governance in Taiwan are due to the poor function of Board of directors dominated by shareholders of holding, and the weakened function of supervisors lacking independence and professionalism. However, recommending independent directors and supervisors system without subsidiary administration may be charged into formalization. Internal auditing assistance can supplement insufficient internal on-going monitoring from independent directors and supervisors. After understanding the significance of corporate governance, referring to the corporate governance of America, Germany, Japan, and Taiwan, searching the theses of separating ownership and control, agency theory, compensation and incentive, financial reporting disclosure and information transparency and studying the document of the framework of corporate governance, like tended offers, proxy, corporate governance rating system, institutional investors, the Securities Investor Protection Act(SIPA), the researcher discovers that internal control is fundamental to corporate governance and internal auditing must be put into practice efficiently. Whether corporate governance is realized or not has become an important reference for investment judgment. It directly influences the stock values of the companies. Taiwan and American are different in securities market. The supervising powers of Market based, shareholders activism mechanisms, are weakness, so the government must actively participate in corporate governance. Investors must function for SIPA and stockholder’s suits; laws and regulatory scheme must effectively operate for the function of internal auditing in order to strengthen the powers of corporate governance. After collecting and analyzing correlative information, the researcher presents the following suggestion to establish the rules for the internal auditing operation and to strengthen the function of assisting corporate governance. 1. Suggestions for the laws concerned (1) Independent directors and supervisors ought to be appointed under the regulation of the laws. (2) Avoid overlapping the functions of supervisors and independent supervisors. (3) Adopt the stockholder’s suits of fees in Japan’s company laws. 2. Suggestions for internal auditing operation (1) Independent supervisors review internal auditing operation. (2) Internal auditing reports to audit committee. (3) Internal auditing periodically meets independent directors and supervisors. 3. Suggestions for external rating


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