  • 學位論文


A study of the County City Municipality Township Local Governmental Building during the Japanese Govemance of Taiwan-in 1920-1945

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


論文摘要 地方行政機關的發展,是近現代都市發展的重要關鍵,而日治時期日本在台灣的統治角色、殖民統治的體系,一直影響著地方行政機關的發展演變及城鄉風貌。隨著郡市街庄的建立,改變原本台灣街庄的發展與城鄉的空間,並建立新的殖民風格,而不論建築形式及及材料上,更是日人在殖民建築延伸的最重要關卡,而建築空間規模也代表地方財力、發展大小的展現。 日本治台後第一件事便是更改清代舊有之行政區域,以便更有效率的行使統治 權。在城鎮發展上,拆除原有城鎮具有防禦功能及象徵意義的「城牆」,設立州廳、役所(場)建築來塑造統治的新風格,這意味著舊有政權之瓦解與政治權力之重新分配。接著開始對台灣傳統之聚落進行重新塑造的工作,但這新城鎮的塑造並未尊重原有聚落之脈絡,藉由「市區改正」與都市計畫的實施,學習自西方之「格子狀道路系統」與「圓環」等新的都市空間被生硬的植入台灣城鎮之中。 日治中期(大正九年),郡市街庄在是地方權力中心,隨著地方性的不同,設計者的塑造、想法,更是讓人無法了解。借由文獻與田野的調查,可以整理出地方行政建築概念及建築形式。而台灣傳統城鎮聚落基本上是自然形成的有機型態的組合。清朝建城牆後雖有所謂的大街,但並無現代都市設施效率的考量;所有的建築物均是由合院空間與街屋空間所組成,廟宇﹑官衙與住宅基本上是機能與裝飾的差異。就整個都市而言,傳統聚落的主要開放空間為廟前廣場(一般活動與儀典空間)與市集( 時段性的商業空間 )。而郡市街庄改變了傳統的形式,並不斷的擴充。 日治後期,由於市區改正,都市中出現大型的開放空間,且較重要的公共建築均位於這些開放空間上。對於郡市街庄位置設置,影響以後街道發展與都市的規劃 。建築型態是相當的單純,新的都市結構更提供了各種新型態建築的機會,使建築師得以引入新的造型式樣與空間組織。郡市街庄的建築空間,代表殖民地行政機關建築特色。 關鍵詞:日治時期、大正九年、郡市街庄、市區改正


Abstract The development of the administrative system in the district,It is the important essential point of the development of the city in near today,The duty of the government in Taiwan in time Japan to treat the day, the system of the colony governmentIt influences the appearance of the change of the development of the administrative system in the district, the city and the farm village for a long time.According to the establishment of the village in the town in the county cityChanging space in the development of the village in Taiwan town of the original, the city and the farm village.OBJ DO and to complete a new peopling personality then, On the architecture form and the material.Moreover, the day person peoples and builds the most important checkpoint of the development.It develops in representing wealth in the district even if it makes the scale of the space and the appearance of the size. After Japan treats Taiwan, as for the 1st matter, it changes the area of some old public administration of Qing Dynasty.There is a one of the efficiency which uses more by it and governs power. It lets out in the city and the city.It removes to be, to have and to defend a feature and "circumvallation" in the one of the symbolical meaning from original in the city and the city.It establishes, it makes a hall in the state, the one (the place) of the labor and it forms the new personality of the government.This means that there are a collapse of the administration and distribution of the politics power in the old days.Doing the work to form again to the colony of the tradition in Taiwan continuous and starting.However, lay from the implementation of the plan in the city, saying never respecting, the creating of this new city and a city is in the connection of the colony from the origin and "the correction by the downtown ward"It learns from "the circle" with "the road system in the form of the grid" in the west the space in the new city is waited for to be entered on the inside of the city and the city in Taiwan when setting to be awkward. The day, it treats the middle (greatly straight 9) and the village in the town in the county city is a power center in the district.According to the local discrepancy, it isn't possible to make the creating of a designer, an idea, moreover a person understand.The concept and the architecture form can be made by borrowing from the literature and the investigation in the countryside and organizing a public administration in the district.There is a combination of type in the city of the tradition in Taiwan and the colony in the city approximately in forming natural one. But there is so-called avenue after building Kiyoshi circumvallation.However, it considers well in the efficiency of the facilities in the modern city and it is never in the thing ; All of all buildings composed with the space at the house in the town because they were equivalent to the space at the garden.The building at the mausoleum, the government office and the house are the difference of the feature and in the decorations approximately. For the whole city.In the tradition one of the colony, mainly, because it is a mausoleum, before opening space, in the plaza, the ordinariness is the space of the space, the fair of the rites and the commerce when working.The expansion to change the form of the tradition and then for the village in the town in the county city not to become extinct. The day, because it treats the latter period and the downtown ward corrects, to have developed in the big scale in the city opens space.Moreover, all more important public building is situated on these and opens on the space.It organizes about the position of the village in the town in the county city and the avenue influences to develop later in the plan with the city.Building type was equivalent simplicity and the structure of the new city provided the all kinds opportunity at the building of type with the more latest.It makes introduce the design of the new modelling and an organization in the space to the architect.It represents space at the building in the village in the town in the county city, the administrative system at the colony and it makes a characteristic. Key words:The Japanese、Greatly straight 9、The village in the town in the county city、It rights the downtown ward.


1《台灣總督府報》 第2168、2170、2819、2172號,


凌宗魁(2010)。分析世界近代建築 重新定義「裝飾藝術」〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.02639
