  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Total Outsourcing of Hospital Information System in District Hospital

指導教授 : 皮世明


自全民健康保險實施以來,醫療環境變遷、科技的普及應用、醫療院所之競爭日益激烈,國內醫療院所逐漸重視資訊科技的引進,以提昇本身競爭力。優良與適用的醫療資訊系統,可降低醫療資源成本與提高醫療院所的服務效率、醫療品質與醫院管理效能。網路資訊時代的來臨,資訊的快速成長直接顛覆傳統醫院的經營型態與特色,以往賣方市場牢不可破的觀念已逐漸轉變,以客戶服務為導向、客戶滿意為依歸之觀念正不斷刷新舊有之經營模式,因此醫院的營運方針除了要在醫療服務方面能滿足民眾的需求之外,全方位的客戶關係管理與醫院管理監控,將會是未來醫療市場的競爭利機。 一般地區級醫院資訊系統維護方式分為:一、自行開發及維護系統,大約聘雇資訊系統人員二~五人;二、買入資訊廠商所開發之軟體,後續由資訊廠商維護或自行維護;三、將某部份或資訊系統建的階段,委託由專業的資訊廠商來完成,此稱為選擇性委外(Selective Outsourcing);四、將整個資訊部門委外由專業的資訊廠商負責管理及維護,此稱為整體委外(Total Outsourcing)。因地區級醫療院所考量人事成本與資訊人員資源有限,大部份都委外由資訊廠商系統維護,藉以達到更高的服務品質與醫院管理實質效果。目前有實施整體資訊委外之地區級醫院並不多,本研究採用個案深入訪談方式來收集資料,研究對象為已實施整體資訊委外之地區級醫院。本研究發現:(1)地區級醫院實施整體資訊委外時,並不會降低資訊品質。(2)實施整體資訊委外可降低成本。(3)實施整體資訊委外,醫院並不擔心資訊廠商會帶來風險。(4)醫院與資訊廠商在成本認知上有很大差異。(5)地區級醫院在推行整體資訊委外策略上相當困難。(6)整體資訊委外後,要延用原有資訊人員有其實務面的困難。雖是如此,本研究希望能提供地區級區醫院資訊委外時之決策及成本考量的參考。 關鍵詞:地區級醫院、整體資訊委外、個案研究


Since we bring national health insurance into practice,health environment changes, technology apply widely, and hospitals compete more violently. Therefore, it make hospitals gradually notice the importance of applying technology to improve the competitiveness itself. The advanced and adaptive health information system can reduce the health resource cost, improve the service efficiency、medical quality and enhance hospital management efficiency. Cause the internet age coming, information explode rapidly, it totally subvert the operation style and characteristic of hospital and gradually change the old point-of-view that seller's market is indissoluble. All the hospitals right now are customer service-oriented and more emphasize on customer satisfaction. Therefore, besides to fulfill the customer's need on health service, CRM and hospital management will become the competitive advantage in the future's health market. Generally, there are four ways to maintain the information system of district hospital. One is to develop and maintain by hospital itself. It need to hire two to five mis employee;Other is to buy the software developed by vendors and maintain by hospital or vendors;Other is "Selective Outsourcing", it delegate some part of information system or deploy stage to the professional vendor;Other is "Total Outsourcing", the percentage of IT Outsourcing is up to 80%[Lacity and Hirschheim(1995)]. Because district hospital consider labor cost and the limit resource of IS personnel, most of information system are delegated and maintained by vendors to reach the best service quality and hospital management effect. These days, few hospital carry out the total outsourcing, therefore this study use case study and analyze district hospitals that have already bring total outsourcing into practice to collect the information. This Study found that: (1)When the district hospital implement total outsourcing, it won't level down the information quality. (2)It can cut the cost down. (3)The hospital need not to worry about the risk that vendor will make. (4)When it comes to cost, there are a big gap between the hospital and vendor. (5)It is very difficult for the district hospital to implement total outsourcing. (6)After total outsourcing, there are some difficulty to retain the original MIS employee. In spite of that, When hospital make IT Outsourcing decision and cost is a important factor ,we hope our research result can be a good reference. Key Word: District Hospital, Total Outsourcing, Case Study


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