  • 學位論文

從生態博物館(Eco-museum)概念探討台北縣 平溪鄉菁桐村礦業景觀路徑經驗之展示架構

An Investigation and Discussion into Taipei County Pingsi Township Jingtung Village Coalmining Scenery Route Experience Display Structure from the Perspective of the Eco-museum Concept

指導教授 : 胡寶林 陳其澎


摘 要 菁桐村是平溪支線鐵路的終點站,平溪煤礦盛產時期最大的礦場,全盛時期有數萬人在此工作,因而有「煤鄉」的稱號。1987年停止採礦後,菁桐雖繁華落盡,卻保留豐富的文化資產,記憶台灣煤礦產業歷史。產業興盛帶起快速集中的開發與紮根,聚落亦隨產業衰退沒落與遷移。菁桐記錄日本殖民時期之空間符號、地方人文色彩及特殊礦業景觀,寧靜山城間仍可閱讀到失落的產業聚落文本。近年來平溪鄉觀光事業興起,非通盤的規劃、過度開發、惡質觀光等造成地方的快速破壞。,使退去繁華外衣的菁桐村面臨衝擊。當地居民與外來者間應如何共存、協調、形塑、營運、保存等問題,是值得探討的議題。 不同的路徑串聯可以滿足不同需求與活動方式;依菁桐村內地方特色與活動,串聯出不同主題之路徑,參觀者可以透過各主題路徑為基準,延伸出個人的、主觀的、喜好的路徑。透過菁桐村礦業景觀路徑之經驗與記錄,探討地方現況與空間品質,尋找菁桐村再發展的潛力所在與空間改善原則。 1971年法國萌起的「生態博物館」(Eco-museum)觀念與方法,是菁桐這般以街區、環境、產業等作一體保存之聚落的重要參考指標。以班雅明〈Walter Benjamin〉提出的「都市漫遊」、「印象空間」理論,探討空間與身體的經驗形成。參考柯崙(Gorden Cullen)在路徑串聯景觀理論中細微的空間分析,以及繪圖、影像具體表現空間問題的方式,表現菁桐街區中的現況與品質記錄,並且探討空間中「場所精神」存在的必要性。透過田野調查、體驗觀察、攝影繪圖記錄菁桐村的空間經驗;製作圖表記錄與分析空間模式,透過模式的串聯,建構菁桐村特色的模式語言,尋找空間改善的潛力與原則,探討如何適切地重現煤鄉原味,讓美麗的菁桐能永續保存與經營。


礦業 路徑 菁桐 生態博物館


ABSTRACT Jingtung Village is the final stopping point for the Pingsi route railway line. Jingtung was the most productive coalmine in Pingsi Town’s peak period. In its heydays, tens of thousands of people worked in this particular mine. Thus Jingtung acquired the name “home of coal”. The coalmine was eventually closed in 1987. Even though the once prosperous Jingtung Village has dwindled, yet its undiscovered cultural asset remains abundant and the place still leaves records of Taiwan’s coalmining history. The rise of the coalmining industry rapidly brought about concentrated development and human inhabitation. At the same time settlements come and go following the rise and fall of a main local industry. Jingtung reserves the spatial symbol, local humanistic colors and special mining scenery all the way from the period of Japanese colonization. One can still find the lost pages of rise and fall of an industrial settlement in the midst of the serene mountain town. In recent years, Pingsi Town has found a growing interest in tourism. Yet at the same time the town is facing the impact of tourism marred by uncoordinated and incomprehensive tourism planning, over-development, poor quality tourism and other negative and detrimental actions. Therefore it is worthwhile to probe into how the locals and the tourists can come together to deal with issues of coexistence and coordination, and how to shape and mold, to operate and to conserve the cultural assets. One can satisfy different needs and types of activities by using different serial route. The different local characteristics and activities within the Jingtung Village can be mixed and matched to produce routes of different themes. This then enables the visitors to use these themed routes as a basis to develop their own preferred and individually subjective route. The potential of Jingtung Village’s redevelopment and the principle of spatial improvement can be found through experiencing and recording Jingtung Village’s coalmining industrial scenery route, and delving into local current condition and spatial quality. The concept and application of Eco-museum originated from France in 1971. Jingtung can utilise the concept of Eco-museum as an important reference material and guideline in terms of integral conservation of streets, environment and industry as a whole. Basing on the theory of Walter Benjamin’s urban flanerie and space of impression, we can discuss the formation of spatial and body experience. By referring to the detailed spatial analysis of Gorden Cullen’s theory of serial vision, and by using graphics and video imaging to substantially illustrate spatial issues, we can demonstrate and record the current condition and quality of streets in Jingtung village, and at the same time discuss the necessity and the importance of the concept “spirit of place”. Through field survey, experience and observation assisted by photography and drawings to document Jingtung’s spatial experience, through recording charts and spatial analysis and through modular serial connection, we can construct Jingtung’s special local characteristics and restore the original coalmining flavour, and find the potential and the principle for spatial improvement for the redevelopment of Jingtung Village and the preservation and management of its cultural beauties.


Path Coal Industry Jingtung Eco-museum


Christian Norberg-Schulz
Christopher Alexanderm
Kevin Lynch
Gorden Cullen


