  • 學位論文


A Study of Using and Disposing Human Sperm and Ovum for Reproduction Purpose

指導教授 : 雷文玫


論文摘要 本論文係探討以生殖為目的使用與處分人類精卵法律問題。隨科學技術的發展,使得人類組織在脫離人體之後可以產生等於原本自然界的所能產生之功能,處分和使用人類精卵的技術亦是如此。藉由人工生殖技術和相關使用冷凍精卵之技術使脫離人體的精卵亦產生一定生殖作用,進而產生社會意涵而後產生相關法律爭議問題。故,本論文之研究目的即是探討於此之下以生殖為目的使用與處分人類精卵會產生什麼樣的法律問題,進而對這些問題分析與研究之。在研究方法上以比較法的方式,利用本國法律和外文文獻及外國法律等針對個人處分精、卵的相關可能產生之法律爭點,提出相關爭議並予以探討。研究結果將對於對於相關法律爭議提供案例與法規與外文文獻之觀點做為將來立法等相關法律資訊之提供。 在研究內容,上本文在討論架構上分為八大部分,茲分述如下: 本文之第一章為緒論,內容為研究動機、研究範圍與方法及研究架構之介紹。 本文之第二章為人工協助生殖相關技術之溯源與現今科技介紹。內容為人工協助生殖相關技術之溯源與歷史背景介紹、體外儲存精卵相關技術的簡介、人工協助生殖技術的介紹。 本文之第三章是說明人類探討精卵之社會意涵與法律地位,探討處分與使用精卵行為的社會意涵和人體精卵的法律地位--以財產權為面向及人體精卵在人格權之保障為主軸。 本文之第四章探討個人意志之落實-個人捐贈與使用人體精卵之行為在憲法上的權利與告知後同意法理之探討。從憲法清單中尋找個人捐贈及使用行為所涉及的權利,如:在財產權概念下的思考,和在隱私權概念下的思考。另外就個人意志的保障即落實告知後同意法理。 本文之第五章討論儲存精卵供自己未來生育之用之問題,議題包含儲存年限的限制、所生育子女的法律地位和基於個人意志之死後生育爭議。 本文之第六章探討捐贈精卵精卵為他人生育之用,相關爭議如人工生殖法草案對捐贈精卵之限制、生殖細胞所生之子之女身份地位和繼承權利和落實保障捐贈者的個人隱私等議題。 本文之第七章探討販賣精卵的爭議問題,議題為研究販賣人體精卵的法律爭議問題思考如公序良俗的判斷之準則或是人體精卵商品化的爭議。 本文之第八章為結論,綜合各章之討論,再為強調與說明。並對於各章所討論的法律爭議為俯瞰式的說明,就上述綜合分析得出結論以為法規範之建議。


Abstract The research mainly focuses on discussing the legal issues about using and disposing human sperm and ovum for reproduction purpose. With the scientific technology development, it is understandable that using and disposing human sperm and ovum might create as the same procreation meaning and function as the sexual intercourse do. That is, assisted reproduction and related frozen sperm and ovum technology would enable the external sperm works Thus, when the external sperm works, the upcoming problems of social meaning and legal issues surely would occur, no doubt. Overall, the purpose of the study is to discover and analyze the possible legal issues when using and disposing human sperm and ovum for reproduction. In addition, employing the comparative method based on Laws and Regulations in Taiwan, foreign literature review and Anglo-American Law to discuss the likely disputes on using and disposing human sperm and ovum. Finally, the result is to offer the legal issues related Case study, Acts and gained insights from the literature review as foundation for future law making information. The scheme of this study contains eights parts as following: Chapter one is a preface which describes the purpose, method, and realm of the research. Chapter two introduces the origin and background of assisted reproduction. Also, today’s assistance reproduction and frozen sperm and ovum store technology are included. Chapter three uses two dimensions, one is sperm and ovum as property, the other is sperm and ovum as person to discuss the social meaning and legal status of using and disposing human sperm and ovum. Chapter four based on both privacy and property to look into the constitutional right of donation and the use of human sperm and ovum. Using informed consent to protect one’s fundamental right is discussed in this chapter as well. Chapter five discusses the storing sperm and ovum for self’s future procreation. Besides, storage limit, children’s legal status and the posthumous reproduction are included in this discussion. Chapter six analyzes the issue of donated sperm and ovum for other’s reproduction. Related issues such as the limitation of donated sperm and ovum governed by The Human Fertilization Draft, legal status of the children, inheritance right and protection of the donator’s privacy. Chapter seven studies the argument of selling human sperm and ovum. Studied issues include the related law such as public policy and the disputes of human sperm and ovum commodification. Chapter eight concludes the above mentioned discussion and offers the suggestion for the future study and law making basis.


雷文玫、牛惠之,生物科技發展脈絡下之胚胎議題---一個法規範穩定思維的觀點,律師雜誌第二八五期(2003) 。
鄧曉芳,從告知後同意程序評析「研究用人體檢體採集與使用注意事項」,科技法律透析,(2002) 91年5月。


