  • 學位論文


The Action Research for the Planning and Construction of Eco-campus for Environmental Education ─ An Application In Ding Nei Junior High School

指導教授 : 林曉薇


聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)與台灣環境教育法草案的定義中皆指出「環境教育」之教育方法與運用過程,培養個人尊重並擅用環境的重要性,九年一貫課程自民國九十年開始實施,課程的設計由中央下放到地方,教學的內容與教材日趨多元與豐富,「九年一貫課程綱要」更針對環境教育之課程目標擬出五大要項:環境覺知與環境敏感度、環境概念知識、環境價值觀與態度、環境行動技能、環境行動經驗,因此如何將「環境教育」融入課程的規劃實為一值得深入探討之議題。 本研究嘗試運用行動研究的概念,透過生態課程的擬定與施行,最後結合生態環境的營造,逐步達到生態環境建構的目標。過程中設計及發展一系列之行動教學計畫,並從教學的歷程中找尋碇內國中未來生態學習環境規劃之概念,行動計畫分為「參與式校園活動意見調查」、「生態教學活動」、「生態環境的營造」三個階段,透過參與過程的紀錄與成果,統整出碇內國中生態學習環境建置的規劃準則,分別從邊界、土壤改良、水循環系統、植栽與教學動線進行主題性的探討,呈現一套生態學習環境的規劃藍圖。以下列出本研究之目的: 一、 提供碇內國中一套利用校園環境進行參與式教學的教學方案。 二、 以生態學習環境建置為目標進行參與研究,並在最後擬定一套環境建置行動之策略,提供碇內國中未來執行相關校園環境營造的參考。 三、 建構碇內國中成為一座可供校園師生戶外教學之學習型生態校園。 研究的內容包含:1.文獻回顧與生態工法之研究、2.現況調查與基地資源分析、3. 生態教學活動之實施。研究的策略上探討現今九年一貫教育制度與生態校園的議題,延伸出「環境教育」結合校園空間營造的可能性,並藉由「彈性節數」的運用在碇內國中進行一系列以「生態」為主軸的教學活動,目的除了建構一處可供生態教學的學習環境外,也透過歷次參與活動建立學生的環境意識,更期望大自然成為教材的一部分,讓碇內國中成為一處生物多樣性的自然教室。


The research aims to integrate the environmental education into the planning of eco-campus and the course in junior high school. The issue of ‘Environmental Education’ has long been applied and discussed in the course of junior high school. Therefore, how to combine ‘the environmental education’ and the planning of the campus space is worth for deeply probe. This research takes the planning of eco-campus of Ding Nei Junior High School in Keelung as an example, design and develop a series of action plans by combining teaching activity and space creation. The concept is not only creating the campus, but also condensing and training the eco-campus consciousness of teachers and students during the course; combining course design and implement action of the environmental education into the planning of the eco-campus in junior high school. This paper probes into the issues of education system and the campus design, and extending out the possibility of combining the campus space and ‘the environmental education’. Carry on a series of teaching activities taking ‘the ecology’ as main shaft in Ding Nei Junior High School with the application of ‘the elastic joint number’. The purpose is except for besides building and constructing a study environment that can support ecological tuition, also reach the improvement of the outdoor space of campus progressively by setting up student’s environmental awareness through the participating in the activity all previously. Expect the nature to become a part of the teaching material even more, let Ding Nei Junior High School become the natural classroom of a bio-diversity.




