  • 學位論文


Modelling deteriorating items inventory model without derivatives

指導教授 : 黃惠民


長久以來,有關損耗性商品的存貨問題大都以微積分方法去解決,但對於損耗率較低的商品而言,其存貨圖形會趨近於直線,微積分方法會使存貨模式複雜化。近幾年蓬勃發展的免微積分方法(Without Derivatives),它取代了傳統使用微積分解決存貨問題的過程,取而代之的是簡單代數方法,這對於不熟悉複雜數學運算的學生而言,會更容易閱讀該領域的存貨管理課程。 本研究主要探討如何應用免微積分方法去解決損耗性問題的存貨模式。以簡化損耗性存貨曲線為出發點,結合免微積分方法,去推導EOQ和EPQ的存貨模式,其使用範圍限定在單一零售商或單一製造商情況下,且得知損耗率的下限值,使其可以更適用在本研究存貨模式中,最後,利用Maple 8.0與Excel作為輔助工具,以數值範例加以說明,透過敏感度分析以了解各參數對存貨問題的影響。


損耗性商品 免微積分方法 EOQ EPQ


In the past, most of deteriorating inventory problems was solved by the calculus method. Recently, non-calculus method (without derivatives) has become very popular. It enables one to study inventory management problem without understanding the complicated calculus. This study discusses how the non-calculus (or without derivatives) method applies to the deteriorating inventory problems. We start by simplifying deteriorating inventory model so the decay curves are approximately a straight line. Then, we derive the EOQ and EPQ model using non-calculus method. We limit the usage of this method to a case of single retailer or single manufacturer, with a low decay rate. A numerical example and sensitivity analysis using Maple 8 and Excel are carried out to show how relevant parameters affect inventory decisions in the model.


without derivatives non-calculus deteriorating item EPQ EOQ


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