  • 學位論文


Efficiency Evaluation of Thermal Power Plant:Application of Green Accounting

指導教授 : 胡為善


在全球面臨溫室效應全球暖化、能源短缺與環境惡化下,不論是一般能源產業、再生節約能源產業或節約能源產業,已然成為政府所大力扶植的對象之一,導引企業對環境會計的重視,尤其是中大型公民營企業更率先對環境會計資訊的重視與運用。 本研究主要目的是瞭解環境成本對於能源相關產業的影響性,並以之作為制度建制與效率評估的標準,另經由分析火力發電廠之經營效率,瞭解環境成本對效率之影響,進而提供電廠環境管理之參考。 本研究採個案研究法,以台灣電力公司火力發電廠為例,利用環境會計資訊以資料包絡分析法之CCR及BCC模型評估各火力發電廠經營績效,並輔以半結構式訪談方法收集與分析相關資料。 本研究歸納結論如下: 1. 企業可透過環境管理活動之成本結構,進行改善製程、降低成本、節約能源等相關決策,以提高企業獲利能力。 2. 尖山火力發電廠為六個火力發電廠整體效率表現最差之電廠,其經濟規模最小,如何從燃料及環境成本投入之管控以創造最大效益,建議台電要從中找到合併之最佳配置。 3. 台中火力發電廠為台電之六個火力發電廠中整體效率表現次佳之電廠,但根據二氧化碳監控組織2007年的資料顯示,台中火力發電廠二氧化碳年排放量居世界第一,建議應改善氮氧化物之防治設備效率及提昇燃料品質。


For the past decades, enterprises faced against an environment of air pollution, energy shortage and global warming. Consequently, government urged the enterprises to use renewable energy and energy savings on one hand and persuade the relevant industries to adopt green accounting on the other hand. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of the environment cost on the energy related industries and set a policy for efficiency evaluation. Specifically, this investigation the management of the thermal power plant, analyzes the influence of environment cost to efficiency in order to provide a reference with the managers of the power plant. This work employs a case study method and uses Taiwan Power Company’s thermal power plant as the main target. The CCR and BCC evaluation models of the Data envelopment analysis (DEA) in green accounting are used, along with the analysis by semi-structure interviews. Conclusion are summarized as follows: 1.Corporate enterprises can use production process improvement, cost reduction of energy saving and other management initiatives to increase their profitability through environmental management. 2.This work finds that the thermal power plant in Jianshang is the most inefficient and the smallest economic scale one among the six thermal power plants in Taiwan Power Company (TPC), suggesting that TPC to do her best to save fuel and environmental cost. 3.The findings also indicate that the thermal power plant in Taichung performed very inefficiently. According to Carbon Monitoring for Action (CARMA) in 2007, the Taichung Thermal Power Plant produced the most carbon dioxide (CO2) tons in the world, suggesting that TPC must work very hard to improve the equipment efficiency of nitrogen oxide compound and elevate the fuel quality immediately.


Thermal Power Plant DEA Green Accounting


