  • 學位論文

以六個標準差流程結合 IDEF0 分析手法對流程改善之研究-以個案I公司結案流程為例

Study on the company process improvement by Six-Sigma and IDEF0-The case of I company

指導教授 : 楊康宏


在全球化的效應下,多數企業都被迫必須面對國際企業的競爭,所以企業改善的腳步必須比以往更加快速更加確實。企業在面對競爭愈來愈激烈的環境,那怕是一點小小的改善都可能給企業帶來莫大的效益。六個標準差在產業界已是大家耳熟能詳的改善手法,其最重要的就是 D-M-A-I-C 的改善精神。六個標準差著重在改善的專案團隊,與 TQM 的持續改善是有其不同的地方。Motorola、奇異…等知名企業都利用六個標準為企業帶來非常巨大的效益。另外,美軍於1980年代發展出來的IDEF0流程,此研究將利用IDEF0的表示活動細節容易學習且可讀性高的特性來做為六個標準差 Analysis階段的主要分析手法。鑒於六個標準差在許多企業都有成功的案例,本研究也將利用六個標準差的精神實行於個案公司的流程改善,並比較實行過後之改善效益。 本研究即是以個案 I 公司的結案流程作為改善標的,成立流程改善專案利用六個標準差 D-M-A-I-C的精神結合 IDEF0 的流程解析來將個案公司的結案流程作完整的拆解找出流程中問題點再加以改善及控管。


六個標準差 流程改善 IDEF0


Due to the globalization, most of the companies need to face the international competitiveness from global enterprises; therefore the enterprises have improvement fast and effectively. An enterprise lives in the increasingly fierce competitive environment, even a little improvement make it a great benefit. The Six-Sigma is a very popular improvement tool in industry for a long time. The core of the Six-sigma is the D-M-A-I-C approach. There have had many successful Six-Sigma implement models in industry, such as Motorola, GE…, and etc. In this study, we use the IDEF0, which develop by U.S. military, together with D-M-A-I-C approach to analyze the example company business processes. Results showed that this combined approach can be a very effective communication tool to draw a picture to form guidelines for the project term to carry out target improvement plans. Finally, almost goals are reached to satisfactory levels.


6-Sigma IDEF0 Process improve


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卓孟輝(2015)。以六標準差流程結合IDEF0分析手法提升生產效率之研究 -以個案U公司為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201500658
