  • 學位論文


A Study on the Preservative Value of Historical District at KuanHsi

指導教授 : 黃承令


摘要 臺灣在戰後始由民間力量主導的文化資產保存運動,至今已屆二十多個寒暑,時至今日不管是來自私人或是公部門的運作,文化資產的保存議題仍然時有所聞。隨著時代的演進在當代社會中,常民生活所體現的文化經驗也逐漸受到重視,在後現代文化治理上成為保存的客體。然新竹鹹菜甕街自漢人入墾發展至今二百年有餘,更是涵養出極為豐厚的文化風貌。在自然環境和人文活動的交織下,形塑出具有地方特色的關西歷史街區。 本研究旨在透過分析關西歷史文化價值,進而提供歷史區域保存的建議。內文從歷史街區的案例比較中著手,試圖透過分析各個案例在歷史街區的保存運動中所經驗的過程。承上以各個歷史街區的街區發展、建築風貌及保存歷程三個部分來做觀點比較。從比較經驗之中分析歸納,以做為關西在歷史街區文化資產保存上的參考。 繼續下一章將關西的演變過程分為歷史發展與環境變遷兩部分,將前者分為三個時期:清代漢人入墾─日本殖民時期─戰後以降至今,透過理解各時期的社會情況與經濟活動進而理出關西發展的脈絡,後者則主要藉地理空間上的發展以解析堆疊的歷史紋理。在第四章則是將形塑出關西豐富人文風貌的文化資源解構出來,繼而瞭解人與環境之間互動的關係。第五章則是從空間體系、場所意象,瞭解整體歷史區域的實質環境型態,章節末從地方的歷史、傳統、產業與生活等面向理解市街歷史區域的保存價值,發現關西歷史區域是一個持續轉動中的文化載體,更是一個擁有文化多樣性的實質生活場域。 經由歷史發展、環境意象與保存價值的整體研析,關西歷史街區的保存是有其價值存在,結論將由歷史街區保存相關案例的比較研究,進而提供關西歷史區域在保存上的參考,以可持續性發展的概念予關西歷史街區保存做一建議。


ABSTRACT In Taiwan, preservation of cultural heritages had been led by civil organizations for more than 20 years since the end of World War II. Today, preservation of cultural heritages by private or public sectors remains a common issue. Besides, the cultural experiences of the general public are increasingly emphasized and have become the subject of preservation in post-modern cultural governance. Since settlement of Han Chinese, Sian-cia-wong Street in Hsinchu has been in existent for more than 200 years. Hence, many cultural features of this region have been developed around this street. Under the interweaving of the natural environment and humanistic activities, KuanHsi Historical District with rich local characteristics was formed. The purpose of this study was analyze the historical and cultural values of KuanHsi and further provide suggestions on preservation of historical districts. Through a comparison of cases of historical district preservation, this study attempted to analyze the preservation movement, street development, architectural appearance, and preservation process in each case. The comparison results were summarized to be a reference on preservation of cultural heritage for KuanHsi Historical District. In the third chapter of this study, the analysis of the development of KuanHsi had two focuses, namely historical development and environmental changes. The historical development of KuanHsi was broken down into three periods for analysis, including settlement of Han Chinese during Qing Dynasty, Japanese occupation, and the period from post-war to the present day. The social conditions and economic activities in each period were analyzed to induce the context of development of KuanHsi. The analysis of environmental changes was intended to examine the historical context of KuanHsi based on the evolution of geographical spaces. In the fourth chapter, the cultural resources that have shaped the humanistic features of KuanHsi were deconstructed to clarify the interactive relationship between human and the environment. In the fifth chapter, the environmental pattern of this historical district was explored through an analysis of the spatial system and place image. In the final chapter, the value of preserving this historical district was investigated from the perspectives of history, tradition, industry, and life. It was found that KuanHsi Historical District is a working carrier of culture and also a field of life with a high cultural diversity. Through an integrated analysis of KuanHsi Historical District along historical development, environmental image, preservation value, this study confirmed the values of preserving this historical district. The comparative study of cases of historical district preservation suggested that the concept of sustainable development be introduced into the preservation of KuanHsi Historical District.


