  • 學位論文


The Integration of S-curve and TRIZ Theory to Technology and Trend of Patent Analysis: A Case Study for Fall Prevention Assistive Devices

指導教授 : 周永燦


專利維護費歷年大幅度的調漲,將對企業造成不小的負擔,需要透過專利趨勢與專利技術的探討,有助於企業釐清專利的全貌,藉此作為企業是否維護或放棄手中專利之評鑑準則,並能作為研發端的策略擬定的依據。過去的研究致力於專利趨勢的探討,尚未見有效整合專利趨勢與技術的研究。本研究欲窺探專利全貌,發展一套整合專利趨勢與技術的分析模式,使企業能有效運用專利分析,以萃取競爭情報,作為決策的依據。 本研究以預防跌倒發生的行動輔具為例,透過分析模式達成四項結論,分別為(1)九宮格關鍵字瞭解輔具於專利上使用詞彙,關鍵字檢索可達9成以上的檢準率;(2)S-curve界定專利趨勢之成長期與成熟期;(3)TRIZ40發明原則歸納基礎發明原則與創新發明原則,制定專利技術的評估準則;(4)整合專利趨勢與專利技術之分析結果,分類出四種區域(優越型專利區域、趨勢型專利區域、技術型專利區域與基礎型專利區域),明確地瞭解跌倒行動輔具趨勢與技術分布。本研究的分析模式可探究專利趨勢與專利技術,並作為企業策略擬定與專利布局規劃之準則。


Because the patent renewal has been increased substantially over the year, it will cause enterprise raise their cost. Enterprises must focus on patent trends and patent technologies of investigation, in order to understand the pulse of patents and it can benefit to patent deployment, avoid patent occupations and strategy planning. Previously, patent trends have been investigated; however, few studies have effectively integrated patent trends and patented technologies. In this study, we examined current patent situations to develop an analysis model in which patent trends and patented technologies are integrated. This model can be used for patent analysis, enabling enterprises to acquire intelligence regarding competitors and use this information as a basis for decision-making. Analyzing a patent assistive device for fall prevention by using the developed model, we obtained the following f conclusions: (1) A keyword search accuracy rate of more than 90% was achieved when using a 9-Windows method to search for terms related to the patented device. (2) The growth and maturation stages of a patent trend can be determined by using an S-curve. (3) Using the TRIZ 40 principles yielded basic invention principles, innovative invention principles, and evaluation criteria for patented technologies. (4) The analysis results of integrating patent trends and patented technologies clearly showed the trend and distribution of assistive devices for fall prevention. Specifically, four categories of patents were classified: outstanding, trend, technology, and fundamental. Overall, the analysis model developed in this study can be used as a basis for exploring patent trends and technologies for establishing business strategies and patent deployment strategies.


Patent Technology S-curve TRIZ Life Cycle Time Patent Trend


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