  • 學位論文


Market reactions to the disclosure of material information weaknesses and to the characteristics of those weaknesses

指導教授 : 陳昭蓉 博士




This study uses a sample of Taiwan listed firms incurring a material information disclosure failure (MIDF)for the years of 2010 and 2013, and applies the methodology of the event study to examine how investors respond to MIDFs. In order to understand how investors respond to and the underlying causes of MIDFs, this study determines whether investors’ reaction will be different due to the amount of fine, delay in announcement and variance with the facts. The empirical results show that investors tend to give a negative response to fine incurring MIDFs—the higher the fine and the longer delayed time to publish MIDF, the more prominent it leads to the negative reaction to investors. In general, Investors’ have negative reaction to MIDF; however, the longer the publishing time delays, the more pronounced the negative reaction is and the more probable leaks the information. That is, the negative reaction is not prominent at declaration date if the longer the publishing time delays. On the other hand, the shorter the delay in announcement, the more obvious negative reaction is at declaration date but not quite prominent. In the situation which variance with the facts, this research finds that the negative reaction is more prominent in short-term event periods (the two days before and after declaration date, the declaration date and one day after the declaration date ) and other periods are not.


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