  • 學位論文


Exploring the Problem of the Talent Shortage in Taiwan- from the Perspective of Human Resource Managers

指導教授 : 丁姵元


面對21世紀知識經濟的時代,以及全球化的快速競爭,國家與企業競逐致勝的關鍵因素之一,就是「人才」。而人才短缺與高學歷、高失業同時並存的矛盾現象與問題一直是國內高度關注、急於解決的人力資源議題。多數的研究在於探討供給端、也就是教育面對人力運用的影響,卻較少以需求端的企業角度來探討成因。儘管國內有許多關於人才短缺的媒體報導,但相關的學術研究卻非常稀少。期以透過本研究來探討與發現造成台灣企業人才短缺的原因與問題、實務的觀點與具體做法,使縮短產學落差,善用國家社會資源,提高人才媒合,降低失業與人才短缺問題,提升企業競爭與發展。因此本研究以質性研究、半結構訪談方式,訪談十五位在企業擔任人才招募、管理與留任之關鍵角色、且具十年以上經驗的人資主管作為研究對象,以貼近實務現場、雇主的視角來探究人才短缺的相關因素。 研究結果發現三個層面的因素造成人才短缺問題:一是教育面,高等教育過度擴張,使大學失去篩選機制,學生素質逐漸下降;技職沒落使培育各種專業技藝人才的功能,逐漸偏廢與喪失。二是求職者面,基本知識技能、英語能力、工作態度普遍不足,包括企圖心與積極度、學習動機與熱忱、挫折忍受力,同時缺乏自我了解、專長與優勢、及職前準備與職涯規劃。而世代工作價值觀的轉變,包括較重視自我的價值與權益、工作與生活的平衡、追求快速的成功,嚮往自由、彈性、光鮮、人際互動高的工作,以及對工作的刻板價值、較不願從基層做起、排斥黑手或藍領的工作,製造業已不再具吸引力,而是傾向服務業等。三是企業面,因人才條件不明確、傾向用有經驗的、主觀篩選、用人缺乏共識等徵選機制問題。同時企業主思維過於重視節約成本、缺乏對人才的重視與培育、台灣代工產業面臨成長和轉型困難,無法突破低利潤的框架,使薪資成長停滯、組織缺乏激勵與活力、主管的領導問題等,形成內外不一致的雇主品牌,再加上鄰國高薪挖角使人才流失,使企業陷入人才招募、留任與流失的困境。因此建議教育應著重適性發展、培養個人優勢與強化正向態度;建議企業主改變思維、人資調整角色,並建立明確的職務條件與客觀公平的甄選程序,共同打造符合跨世代工作價值觀需求的雇主品牌,使強化人才與組織的黏膩性,獨具人才吸引的最佳競爭優勢。


Abstract In 21st Century, a knowledge economical generation, rapid competition under globalization, human resources strategy become one of the key point of winning between nation and enterprises .The conflict between shortage of talents and post-graduates with high unemployment is the urgent issue in domestic. Most of the researches are discussing affections on application of human resource toward education at providing side, but rather than seeing the demand side from enterprise's perspective. In spite of many media reports about human resources shortage in domestic, there are rare academic researches is relative. Looking forward to going through our research discuss and discover the reasons of shortage of human resource in Taiwan enterprises, And also on realistic viewpoint and specific method can shorten the gap between industry and academics, make the best use of national resources, higher post-graduates employment and enterprise's competition and development, lower the shortage of human resource. Therefore, by means of Qualitative Research Method and Semi-Structure Interview Method, interview for fifteen fully-experience human resource managers, for discussing the reason of shortage of human resource in real cases with hirer's perspective. In the research, three types of the reason cause the problem of human resource shortage, the first is on the education side; high level education over expansion makes college out of selectivity, The quality of student has been deteriorating in recent decade, sinking of technique skills make professional talents out of function. The second is on the side of work applicant, those who lack of basic knowledge techniques, English ability, ambition, aggressiveness, motivation of learning, frustration tolerance, and also insufficient of attitude toward work, self-understanding, career preparation activity ,career planning. However, the change of work value including granting self-value, equity, life balance, access success, aspire for freedom, flexibility, brilliant, highly interacting work ,and some stereotype for work, unwilling from the basic, against to be a blue collar...etc. Making the service industry is more attractive than manufacturing industry. The third part is enterprise, because of the uncertainty in human resource, tending to hire experienced person, subjective selection, lacking of consensus on selecting mechanism. At the same time, the enterprises focus on lowering their cost, and ignore on cultivating the talents. Nevertheless, OEM industry in Taiwan faces the difficulty on transformation and growth. The breakthrough of low-benefit mode make the growth of salary stop; Organizations lack of encouragement and vitality; Supervisor of the leadership and management. Above all the reason, it causes the difference between inner side and outer side on the hirer's brand .In addition, the neighboring country give the higher paid for the talents. It also cause running out of the talents in domestic, even recruitment and remain. Consequently, there is two ways to suggest, the front part is adaptive education, cultivating personal strength and emphasizing on positive altitude; the last is that alternative role of human resource department. Simultaneously, build the specific qualification for work and the fair procedure for recruitment .Creating the brand for the landmark of work value, enforcing the connectivity between talents and organizations, make the best strength for attracting talents.


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