  • 學位論文


A further study in ISO/CNS for stability of mobile cranes

指導教授 : 康 淵 張永鵬


移動式起重機為我國法律明文規定之危險性機械,由操作不慎所衍生之工安事件輕則造成作業人員受傷,重則導致週遭及作業人員之重大傷亡或財物損失。由勞委會職業災害統計資料顯示,移動式起重機相關重大職災事故,在災害類型方面依序主要集中於物體飛落、墜落、起重機翻覆、被夾、被撞及感電等六種災害類型。因此在操作移動式起重機時必須非常謹慎,對於荷重大小、作業半徑、伸臂俯仰角、路面傾斜程度及作業四周環境均要確實瞭解掌握,才能確保作業安全與避免災害發生。   本文研究以移動式起重機計算安定度所採用的傾覆線中,對於規範所使用的傾覆線定義須特別探討,計算安定度時兩相交傾覆線在規範中只使用單方向傾覆線作為計算,但實際上並不恰當,因為兩相交傾覆線促成區有傾覆可能性,固本文針對此相交傾覆線促成角區提出移動式起重機穩定性之深入分析。


Mobile cranes for our law expressly provides for the hazardous machines, derived by the careless handling of industrial safety incidents ranging from causing personal injury, can cause serious and heavy casualties or property damage. Occupational hazard by the Council of Labor Affairs show that mobile cranes Occupational fatality related accidents, disasters, mainly focused on the types of objects flying sequence, falls, crane overturned, caught, knocked, and a sense of power of six types of disaster. Therefore, mobile crane operator must be very careful, for the loading size, operating radius, jib pitch angle, tilt and operating road surroundings have to really learn to master in order to ensure job security and prevent disasters. In this study, mobile cranes used to calculate the stability of the capsized lines, tipping line used to define the specification required special discussion, when calculating the degree of stability and capsized two intersecting lines using only a single direction in the specification as tipping line calculations, but the actual on is not appropriate, because the two lines intersect tipping region contributed to the possibility of tipping, tipping solid lines intersect this paper contributed to this depth in the area of mobile cranes raised stability analysis.


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