  • 學位論文


The Impact of Inquiry-Based Teaching on Fourth Graders’ Conceptual Change and Learning interest

指導教授 : 楊坤原


本研究目的在於瞭解「探究取向的教學」(Inquiry-Based Teaching)對於國小四年級學童概念改變與學習興趣之影響,以及學童對探究取向教學之看法與建議,以提供未來欲進行探究取向教學之研究者參考。本研究以不等組前後測之準實驗設計進行研究,以桃園市某國小四年級的二個班級為研究對象,其中實驗組與對照組的班級人數皆為30人,實驗組接受探究取向的教學,對照組則接受一般講述式的教學。本研究為期四週,共十一堂課,教學前、後以「二段式月亮概念診斷測驗」、「科學學習興趣量表」進行量化分析,並以半結構式晤談及教師研究日誌進行質化分析。 實驗研究結果如下: 一、接受探究取向教學與一般講述式教學的學童在月亮概念改變成效上有顯著差 異。實驗組與對照組學童在「二段式月亮概念診斷測驗」後測的平均得分呈 顯著的差異,可見探究取向教學對學童在月亮概念改變成效上有正向的影 響。 二、接受探究取向教學與一般講述式教學的學童在科學學習興趣上有顯著差異。 實驗組與對照組學童在「科學學習興趣」後測的平均得分呈顯著的差異,可 見探究取向教學可以提升學童的科學學習興趣。 三、實施探究取向教學的歷程後,實驗組學童對探究取向教學的看法為: (一) 透過小組討論學習的方式,藉由同儕鷹架互助獲取更完整的知識並增 進同學間的感情。 (二) 探究取向的學習過程中,動手操作的機會多,學童認為可強化記憶且 增進個人成就感。因此,可以提升個人的學習興趣並提高學習成就。


The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of Inquiry-Based Teaching on conceptual change and learning interest of fourth-grade students. Furthermore, we offered our viewpoints and make proposals as references for the researchers who intended to conduct Inquiry-Based teaching and learning. Two fourh-grade classes of the elementary school in Tau-yang city were selected to be the research sample who were divided into the experimental group students(n=30)and the control group students (n=30). Inquiry-Based Teaching was used to be an instruction model for the experimental group while the control group received general didactic teaching. In this study, we had a period of four weeks, a total of eleven classes. " Two-Tier Diagnostic Instrument about Moon " and " Science Learning Interest Scale" were used to conduct a quantitative analysis; meanwhile, we also applied semi-structured interview and teachers' notes to carry out a qualitative analysis. The experimental findings were stated in the following: 1. Accepting the Inquiry-Based Teaching and general didactic teaching students' conceptual change results in the moon has significant difference. The average scores in " Two-Tier Diagnostic Instrument about Moon " post-test scores of the experimental group and the control group showed significant difference. Therefore, the results of Inquiry-Based Learning for students' conceptual change in the moon have positive effect. 2. Accepting the Inquiry-Based Teaching and general didactic teaching students' science learning interest had significant difference. The average scores in " Science Learning Interest Scale" showed significant difference between post-test scores of the experimental group and the control group. Therefore, Inquiry-Based Teaching could increase students' learning interest in science. 3. After the implementation of the Inquiry-Based Teaching process, there were two view points of the experimental group students in the following: (1) Through a group discussion and learning, the classmates with scaffolding mutual cooperation to obtain more complete knowledge and enhance their emotion. (2) There were many opportunities for hands-on experiments in the processes of the Inquiry-Based Teaching. Most students thought that it could increase their memory and improve individual accomplishment. Therefore, it could enhance the personal interest and improve their achievement in learning.


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