  • 學位論文


Feedback Effect on Consumer Attitude Research

指導教授 : 廖本哲


中文摘要 本研究主要分兩個面向探討資訊回饋對消費者態度之影響。一是不同產品知識程度與不同資訊回饋是否會影響消費者對於回饋之態度,又是否會受到自身調節焦點所干擾而有所差異。然當消費者對其所接收到之回饋產生較正向態度後,是否會提升對該產品的願付價格;另一面向是不同產品類別與不同資訊回饋是否會影響消費者對回饋之態度,又是否會因產品資訊不對稱,而受到自身從眾傾向所干擾而有所差異。 本研究共分為三個實驗進行,經過研究與分析之後,於研究一中發現,不同產品知識程度之消費者確實會尋求不同類型之資訊回饋─產品知識較高之消費者(專家)會傾向尋求負面回饋;產品知識較低之消費者(新手)則會傾向尋求正面回饋。 於研究二中發現,不同產品知識程度與不同資訊回饋,的確在某些情況下會受到消費者自身調節焦點導向所干擾,而對回饋態度有顯著差異─客觀產品知識較高之避敗焦點者會傾向對負面回饋有較正向之態度,求成焦點者則對於正面意或負面回饋無太大差別;然而,主觀產品知識與使用經驗較多之消費者則不會受調節焦點所干擾,會傾向對負面回饋有較正向之態度。反之,產品知識較低之求成焦點者,會傾向對於正面回饋有較正向之態度,避敗焦點者會傾向對於負面回饋有較正向之態度。 然無論消費者所獲何種類型之資訊回饋,僅當消費者認為所獲得之回饋有助於其購買決策時,會因而提升對於該產品之願付價格。 於研究三中發現,不同產品類別與不同資訊回饋確實會影響其對於回饋之態度,而此一影響將部分受自身從眾傾向所干擾,而形成顯著差異─僅在面對搜尋品時,消費者會受到自身從眾傾向干擾,形成從眾傾向較高之消費者會傾向對負面回饋有較正向之態度,而從眾傾向較低之消費者會傾向對於正面回饋有較正向之態度。 本研究之實證結果說明:企業在與消費者溝通時,需針對本身產品資訊不對稱程度與其目標市場之消費者特性,而給予不同資訊回饋以驅使消費者認同、喜歡所獲得之資訊回饋,進而提升對於產品的願付價格。


Abstract This research is divided into two dimensions to investigate feedback effect on consumer attitude. First, whether the different levels of product knowledge and different types of feedback will influence consumers’ attitude about the feedback he/she received, and it whether will moderate by regulatory focus. As well as, we explore that if consumer have positive attitude with feedback, whether they will increase willingness to pay. Second, we examine whether the different product categories and different types of feedback will influence consumers’ attitude about the feedback he/she received, and it will moderate by conformity or not. In study 1, the findings indicate that expert (those who have higher product knowledge) will seek more negative feedback and novice (those who have lower product knowledge) will seek more positive feedback. In study 2 demonstrates that objective knowledge expert-prevention focus will have more positive attitude with negative feedback and objective knowledge expert-promotion focus have no significant difference between positive or negative feedback. And, subjective knowledge and experience expert regardless of their re regulatory focus, will have more positive attitude with negative feedback. Otherwise, novice-promotion focus will have more positive attitude with positive feedback and novice-prevention will have more positive attitude with negative feedback. And no matter what kind of feedback consumer received, only when they consider it contribute to their purchase decision, will increase willingness to pay for product in the future. Final, in study 3 the findings exhibits that only search goods will moderate by consumer self conformity tendency that those who are more high conformity tendency will have more positive attitude with negative feedback whereas, those who are more low conformity tendency will have more postitive attitude with postitive feedback. Result form three stuies shows that when make marketing communication with customer should offer different feedback base on product information asymmetry level and consumer characteristic of target market so as to make they like and identify with the feedback even to increase the willingness to pay for the product.


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