  • 學位論文


Effects of Different Lighting on Brightness by Computer Simulation

指導教授 : 謝明燁


在二十一世紀的今天,照明設備已是生活中的必需品,不僅與我們的作息活動相關,還為我們提升生活的品質,創造愉快舒適的生活環境。為了享受這樣的生活,我們所付出的代價是,照明設備的用電量在所有的用電設備中排名第二。在全球資源逐漸枯竭的現在,我們不得不檢討照明設備的設計與使用,以期能盡量減少不必要的資源的浪費。因此,在保有生活品質與照明節能兩者兼顧的情況下,何種照明設計能保有生活品質,又能減少能源耗費,是本研究所要探討的課題。 本研究主要是針對被普遍認為最浪費能源的間接照明的照明型式進行探討。研究分別以三種間接照明與三種直接照明做明亮感比較。研究的方法是以電腦模擬照明空間,然後透過DIALux照明計算軟體,計算燈光的分佈與效能,再以3ds Max配合VRay進行照明空間的數位影像製作,然後將製作好的影像製成問卷發放。 以電腦模擬研究的結果發現。在耗電量上,除了光源等份照射的間接照明外,間接照明比直接照明需花費更多的電量,才可以得到相同的亮度感。但以明亮感而言,三種間接照明在相同的照度水準下,明亮感感覺皆大於直接照明。


In the 21st century, lighting equipment is essential in daily life. It is closely related to our daily activities and work, and can improve the quality of life, thus creating a pleasant and comfortable living environment. As a result, the power consumption of the lighting equipment ranks second among all electric appliances. As the global resources gradually deplete, it is necessary to review the design and use of the lighting equipment, so as to minimize the unnecessary waste of resources. Therefore, in order to maintain quality of life and conserving the lighting energy, this study discussed the lighting designs that can achieve both purposes. This study investigated the lighting form of indirect lighting, which is generally considered that it wastes energy resource the most. The brightness of three kinds of indirect lightings and three kinds of direct lightings was compared. The study method was that the lighting space was simulated by a computer, then the distribution and efficiency of the lights were calculated using DIALux software. The digital image for the lighting space was produced by 3ds Max and VRay. Finally, the image produced by the software was made into a questionnaire for survey. The results of computer simulation found that except for the indirect lighting of equally divided illumination of light source, indirect light consumes more power than direct lighting to achieve the same identical brightness. In terms of the sense of brightness, the three indirect lighting forms provided a greater sense of brightness than direct lighting does under the same illumination level.


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明學刊 Journal of Illuminating Engineering",21(4): 25-46.


