  • 學位論文


A Portable Door Security System Based on Smart Phones

指導教授 : 涂世雄


在這篇論文中,我們提出了一個用智慧型手機當作門禁系統的鑰匙進而取代RFID卡片的感應模式。論文中我們利用個人電腦模擬門禁系統的伺服器以及利用PHP網頁撰寫一個使用者管理介面,透過這個介面能夠讓有權限的使用者以及管理者來對系統做管理以及查詢系統資料及狀態。 這篇論文所提出的門禁系統架構是基於手機的Wi-Fi功能去取代RFID卡片的感應模式來當作門禁系統的鑰匙。此系統利用電腦模擬的伺服器來達到資料儲存以及遠端控制的功能。在身份辨識的部分利用了Challenge-Response的演算法來做處理,進而提升安全性。 此門禁安全系統除了利用智慧型手機當作鑰匙以外,還可以利用它當作控制器,並且利用伺服器來做資料的儲存和辨識試圖對系統進行操作或控制的使用者之身分與權限。當使用者身分不符合或是無權限時,系統會進行阻擋不予以操作,反之則會執行該使用者所發出的請求與命令。我們在此系統中也利用了PHP網頁來當作使用者的管理介面,在此頁面中有權限的使用者可以做到即時遠端開關門、即時系統活動紀錄查詢、即時編輯或查詢使用者資料及狀態以及觀看即時監視的畫面。透過此介面使用者可以用簡單及非常快速的方式來達到以上的功能。 此系統所提出的貢獻有以下幾點: 1. 減少鑰匙遺失後的風險以及麻煩。 2. 可利用遠端的方式即時監看。 3. 利用Challenge-Response的身分辨識機制與利用使用者手機的MAC和自訂密碼綁定註冊手機,藉此增加手機被竊取或遺失後的被破解難度。 4. 可以即時性的編輯、新增以及刪除使用者。 5. 減少鑰匙兒童與鑰匙老人風險與麻煩。


In this thesis, we propose a new scheme to use smartphones as the key of the portable door security system replacing RFID cards. Moreover, we use PC (Personal Computer) as the door security server and the PHP webpage as the user interface of this portable door security system. This thesis is based on smartphone and using smartphone’s Wi-Fi function to replace traditional RFID card as the key for door security system. It combines PC and server for saving data and for remote-control function. It also uses Challenge-Response to increase the security level. Otherwise, it adds web camera as the monitor. This system uses smartphone as the key and the controller, and the server is for saving data and checking the permission and the identity who wants to control this system or try to open the door. It will deny the request if the permission and the identity are not matched or execute the command if they are matched. It uses PHP as a control web page to check the activity history and watch the monitor and remote-control open/close door also check user information, this page makes administrator can easily check the information and edit user permissions also manages the whole system. The contributions to this system are as follows: 1. It decreases the risk and trouble when missing the keys. 2. It can monitor by remote mechanism. 3. It uses Challenge-Response and uses MAC with password to match the smartphone to increase the complexity and difficulty when the smartphones were stolen. 4. It can edit, add or delete user information and instantly. 5. It can decrease the troubles of children and elders who miss or forget taking the keys when they are out.


Smart phone door security system


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