  • 學位論文


The Study of Constructing Coal-mining Industrial Heritage Network in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林曉薇


煤礦做為一種能源礦產,不僅在眾多產業發展中擔任動力驅動的重要角色,更是國家經建發展中不可或缺的動能之一,臺灣煤礦文化資產除了地理分布上有其脈絡性;政治上成為日治時期南進政策的跳板;歷史發展上具有濃厚的殖民經濟性格,因而豐富了臺灣產業文化資產的內涵,除了本身具有歷史、文化、技術科學的價值,煤礦文化資產可說是作為推動臺灣近代化進程的一種體現。然而,當前臺灣的煤礦文化資產面臨維護管理與資源應用上難以整合,以及過度觀光化缺乏公眾參與、文化傳承等困境,為彰顯其本身的價值以及「地方知識」傳遞,因此本研究提出以網絡的操作模式推動臺灣煤礦文化資產。 臺灣目前煤礦文化資產保存再利用推動上,多採原貌保存或單點式館舍再利用,但成效並不顯著,因此本研究參考國內外相關再利用案例,提出以網絡策略整合平溪線上煤礦產業文化資源,建議以一個新形態的再利用策略整合行銷,並依據平溪線現有的煤礦文化資源,因地制宜,將困境轉化為動力,期望促進區域的整體性維護、行銷整合及公眾參與、以產業文化資產帶動區域發展等效益。 本研究以文獻回顧以及田野資源調查,繪製出煤礦產業文化資產分布圖,分區作資料統整及說明,盤點猴硐、十分及菁桐的煤礦產業文化資產,並建構臺灣煤礦產業文化資產網絡的核心價值及操作設計,未來期望作為未來臺灣各產業文化資產活化再利用的另一種模式參考,帶動其他礦業或產業網絡的建立。


As an energy of mineral resources, coal-mining not only plays an important role of powering in many industries but is one of the inevitable powers in a country’s economic construction. Beside its geographical context, the coal-mining industrial heritage in Taiwan has a strong trait of colonial economy in historical development, especially as a transit for south advancing under Japanese rule. The geographical and historical contexts enrich the depth of industrial heritage in Taiwan. Beside its intrinsic value of history, culture, technology and science, the coal-mining industrial heritage is seen as an embodiment of promoting the modernization of Taiwan. However, there are still problems of difficulty in integrity of maintenance management and resource application, over tourism, similar activities, lack of community involvement, and cultural inheritance. As a result, in order to show the intrinsic value and transfer the “local knowledge”, the study suggests a strategy of networking to promote the coal-mining industrial heritage in Taiwan. Currently, the coal-mining industrial heritage in Taiwan is mostly preserved originally or reused individually. However, there’s no outstanding result. Therefore, learning from domestic and abroad cases of reuse projects, the study suggests a strategy of networking to integrate coal-mining industrial heritage resources, expecting to achieve the beneficial results of integrated maintenance, integrated marketing, promotion of public involvement and inspiring regional development by means of industrial heritage in this area. The study uses documentary analysis and field research to produce the distribution diagram of coal-mining industrial heritage in Hou-tong, Shi-fen, and Jing-tong as well as integrating resources in these 3 areas. We hope to construct the core value and operation designs of coal-mining industrial heritage network as another mode of reuse for every industrial heritage in Taiwan, additionally, to promote more networking of other industrial heritage.


Hsiao-Wei Lin, Chun-Ming Huang(2011)。The Introduction of Taiwan’s Industrial Heritage。Taichung City:Council for Cultural Affairs。
